1. Life is not fair.生活是不公平的
Life conspires to consistently bring unexpected problems.生活总会用各种方式给你带来意想不到的问题。
I can either choose to accept this and work through it or I can fight, ignore and live an average life.我可以选择接受现状,然后想办法解决它;或者,我也可以挣扎、无视,然后过着平庸的一生。
2. Fight your instinct.战胜你的本能
This is the tool that made our ancestors survival possible.(胆怯)是我们祖先的生存工具。
Your brain is responsible for detecting negative signs and signs of danger so that you can flee.你的大脑会侦查周遭的负面信息和危险信号,让你可以逃跑。
This is what made our ancestors survival possible. Unfortunately, we inherited this instinct and it activates everytime we try something new.这使我们祖先得以幸存。但不幸的是,我们把这个本能继承了下来,并且每次尝试新东西的时候都会激活它。
3. Make friends with your fear.与恐惧做朋友
There is no magic cure to fear.世上没有治愈恐惧的灵药。
Fear will never dissappear, and what sets out the extraordinary from the ordinary is their ability to act despite that awful fear.恐惧永远不会消失,而“卓越的人”与“普通人”的区别就是他们能顶着巨大的恐惧采取行动。
4. As long as you are nice, things usually go well.只要你为人友善,事情通常都很顺利
90% of people can't reject a kind person.90%的人都无法拒绝一个友善的人。
Emerson once said “the whole world loves a lover”.艾默生曾经说:“全世界都会爱上一个懂得爱的人。”
Try it. It's so difficult for people to reject you when you're all goody and seem so harmless.试试吧。当你表现出由内而外的友善、并且没有任何攻击性的时候,人们很难拒绝你。
5. Most people want to connect.其实大部分人是希望和人交流的
The truth is that people are more open to connect than you think.事实是,大家其实比你想的更愿意与人交流。
There are a lot of people around you who want to connect but are just scared as you are.你身边有很多人和你一样渴望与人建立关系,而且也和你一样害怕。
6. You can't please everyone.你没有办法取悦所有人
The thing is that no matter how sweet, funny, smart, awful or whatever kind of person you are, 90% of the world will ignore you, some of the rest will love you and the rest will hate you.事实是,不管你多么贴心、有趣、机智、威严或怎样,世界上90%的人其实是看不见你的。剩下的那10%当中,有一部分会喜爱你,而剩下的人则会讨厌你。
So, You’re free to be weird.所以,你有权保持特立独行。
As the saying goes- those who matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter.正如俗语所说:那些对你来说重要的人,不会介意;那些介意的人,对你来说不重要。
7. There is no universal confidence.没有人在所有地方都自信
True confidence comes from practicing and mastering an act.真正的自信源自练习与熟练。
Social skill is just a skill like any other and all I have to do to become a pro is practice.社交技巧就和其他所有技巧一样,如果你想成为达人,你需要做的只有“练习,练习,再练习”。
Life conspires to consistently bring unexpected problems.生活总会用各种方式给你带来意想不到的问题。
I can either choose to accept this and work through it or I can fight, ignore and live an average life.我可以选择接受现状,然后想办法解决它;或者,我也可以挣扎、无视,然后过着平庸的一生。
2. Fight your instinct.战胜你的本能
This is the tool that made our ancestors survival possible.(胆怯)是我们祖先的生存工具。
Your brain is responsible for detecting negative signs and signs of danger so that you can flee.你的大脑会侦查周遭的负面信息和危险信号,让你可以逃跑。
This is what made our ancestors survival possible. Unfortunately, we inherited this instinct and it activates everytime we try something new.这使我们祖先得以幸存。但不幸的是,我们把这个本能继承了下来,并且每次尝试新东西的时候都会激活它。
3. Make friends with your fear.与恐惧做朋友
There is no magic cure to fear.世上没有治愈恐惧的灵药。
Fear will never dissappear, and what sets out the extraordinary from the ordinary is their ability to act despite that awful fear.恐惧永远不会消失,而“卓越的人”与“普通人”的区别就是他们能顶着巨大的恐惧采取行动。
4. As long as you are nice, things usually go well.只要你为人友善,事情通常都很顺利
90% of people can't reject a kind person.90%的人都无法拒绝一个友善的人。
Emerson once said “the whole world loves a lover”.艾默生曾经说:“全世界都会爱上一个懂得爱的人。”
Try it. It's so difficult for people to reject you when you're all goody and seem so harmless.试试吧。当你表现出由内而外的友善、并且没有任何攻击性的时候,人们很难拒绝你。
5. Most people want to connect.其实大部分人是希望和人交流的
The truth is that people are more open to connect than you think.事实是,大家其实比你想的更愿意与人交流。
There are a lot of people around you who want to connect but are just scared as you are.你身边有很多人和你一样渴望与人建立关系,而且也和你一样害怕。
6. You can't please everyone.你没有办法取悦所有人
The thing is that no matter how sweet, funny, smart, awful or whatever kind of person you are, 90% of the world will ignore you, some of the rest will love you and the rest will hate you.事实是,不管你多么贴心、有趣、机智、威严或怎样,世界上90%的人其实是看不见你的。剩下的那10%当中,有一部分会喜爱你,而剩下的人则会讨厌你。
So, You’re free to be weird.所以,你有权保持特立独行。
As the saying goes- those who matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter.正如俗语所说:那些对你来说重要的人,不会介意;那些介意的人,对你来说不重要。
7. There is no universal confidence.没有人在所有地方都自信
True confidence comes from practicing and mastering an act.真正的自信源自练习与熟练。
Social skill is just a skill like any other and all I have to do to become a pro is practice.社交技巧就和其他所有技巧一样,如果你想成为达人,你需要做的只有“练习,练习,再练习”。