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Problem:NCAA Final Four


Problem:NCAA Final Four
And then there were four: South Carolina in the East bracket, Gonzaga in the West bracket, Oregon in the Midwest bracket and North Carolina in the South bracket. These four teams have earned a coveted spot in the arena known as the Final Four. There were 64 teams (not including play-in games) who entered the NCAA Tournament – 16 teams in each of the four brackets. The tournament is a single elimination, meaning each game played eliminates one team.

进入NCAA四强的球队是:东区的南卡罗来纳大学、西区的贡萨加大学、中西区的俄勒冈州大学和南区的北卡罗来纳大学。这四只球队成为了本届NCAA四强——the Final Four。共有64支球队进入了NCAA锦标赛(不包括外围比赛),每区16支球队。锦标赛采取单淘汰赛制,即每场比赛淘汰失败的球队。
1) How many games had to be played to determine the Final Four?
Since one team from each of the four brackets of 16 teams advances to the Final Four,
2) how many possible Final Four team combinations were possible?
Assuming equal probability of winning for each team,
3) what is the probability that the championship game is South Carolina against North Carolina, and North Carolina then wins the national championship?

1楼2018-03-22 02:11回复