Q: Will the conversion of maps to HD help the players understand them better?把地图转换为HD之后玩家是否更容易了解地图了呢?A: We first of all wanted to unify the graphical representation of the terrain, but at the same time, we understand that players who first see the HD maps themselves will feel confused, because they already saw a lot of things is set places.After talking to our CCs from the CIS region, even they were confused at first on the new maps. There was a bit of time needed, and they needed a dozen or two battles to get the “flow” of the new maps. We tried to leave some feature untouched.We tried to induce what we call a “double shock” in the players when they first enter a map. We also wanted the players not to be too overwhelmed with what’s behind the map border 我们首先想要统一地面的图像解析,但是同时我们也明白玩家们看到的第一反应肯定是懵逼的,因为之前熟悉的一切的一切都已经没了。我们和我们的独联体区的商业顾问讨论了一下,尽管他们对于更新后的地图也是一脸懵逼。他们需要时间去适应,经过几十场战斗才能明白新地图是如何玩得。我们也保留了某些特征。我们想要让玩家们第一次看到地图时就能“双倍的震惊”。还有就是希望玩家们不要对于地图之外的区域吓到。