“Howard Hughes was kindness itself to Mama when she was dying. I nearly killed the ****er once but he was marvelous to Mama when she was dying,” she said. “All her life she had to roll with the punches. I got my survival instincts from her. But Howard got her the best palliative care money could buy. I could never have afforded the things he did for her. He sent two specialists from New York. Another from L.A. When I think of Howard Hughes now, I think of his kindnesses to Mama, his sweetness, not the fights we had.”
Howard Hughes was the first thing to come around after Mick. He came around about five minutes after I filed for divorce, as a matter of fact.”
“Did you know him?” I said.
“I knew of him, of course. He was one of the most famous men in America. But I’d never met him.”
“He called you out of the blue?”