transviolet吧 关注:37贴子:117
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IP属地:辽宁1楼2017-12-16 20:19回复
    In our current social media-obsessed world, it seems that a band’s online presence takes centre stage in showcasing their rising fame and talent. But LA. based quartet Transviolet abandoned all conventional means of exposure by sending out anonymous cassette tapes.
    Handmade, with a simple ‘just play me’ instruction inscribed, receivers described this act of promotion as ‘genius!’ Once played, either through a cassette player or through the more accessible Shazam app, the first track off their EP ‘Girls your age’ would hauntingly echo through.
    Hailed by Teen Vogue as ‘the moody, brooding little sister of Lana Del Rey’, ‘New Bohemia’ is an electro pop anthem that you’ll be playing on repeat. It’s not hard to see why the likes of Harry Styles and Katy Perry are taking note of this impressive foursome.
    Transviolet had this to say of the track: “Too many times we let characteristics define and, ultimately, divide us. We are not the colour of our skin or the amount of money we have in the bank. We are not our gender or our sexual orientation. We are all humans in need of love, respect, and acceptance. Everything else is a detail. That’s what the song New Bohemia is about. It’s taking a step outside of your personal bubble and looking at the world from an outsider’s perspective.”

    IP属地:辽宁2楼2017-12-16 20:22
      Transviolet很有种的一件事,让他们成功引起了别人的注意。用纯手工制作的方式,在卡带上写着“Just Play Me”,收到的人大呼“Genius!”,不管是通过卡带还是App,他们的EP<Girls Your Age>都成功的发行了。而最新单曲<New Bohemia>被<Teen Vogue>杂志誉为“忧郁Lana Del Rey的小妹妹”,这么高的评价也就不难看出为什么Harry Styles和Katy Perry会注意到这个令人印象深刻的四人组合了。
      Transviolet发布新单<New Bohemia>时说道:“我们让特征定义了太多的时间,最终导致了我们的分离。不能通过我们皮肤的颜色,或者我们银行里的钱,或者是我们的性别和取向来区分。我们都是需要爱、需要尊重、需要接受的人类,其他的一切都是小事。”这就是<New Bohemia>这首单曲的主题,它走出了个人的舒适圈,从一个更广阔的角度看待世界。

      IP属地:辽宁3楼2017-12-16 20:23

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2018-01-12 10:59