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Zhang Kuo,Chinese Artist.
Participated in Today literature seminar held inBeijing, China in 1980.
Participated inthe one year anniversary meeting of the “Stars” held in Beijing, China in
Entered theLiterature Institute of the China Writers Association for writing in 1984.
Facsimiled theDunhuang Mogao Grottoes murals in China in 1986.
Facsimiled themurals in Yongle Palace, China in 1986.
Entered thewriters’ class of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in PekingUniversity of China for writing in 1986.
Participated in theWriter’s Association of Jiangsu Province, China as a writer in 1990.
Participated inBeijing International Art Exposition, China for painting exhibition in August 1995.
Participated inGuangzhou International Air Fair, China for painting exhibition in December1995.
Participated inpainting exhibition in Beijing International Art Exposition, China in 2000.
2002年,法国巴黎A pARTEL GALLERE,画展。
Participated in paintingexhibition in A pARTEL GALLERE in Paris, France in 2002.
2003年,法国巴黎A pARTEL GALLERE,画展。
Participated inpainting exhibition in A pARTEL GALLERE in Paris, France in 2003.
Participated inpainting exhibition in “Huhe Jiadi Space” in Hohhot, China in 2012.
Participated inpainting exhibition in “87 Gallery” in Hohhot, China in 2013.
II. Works:(poems, philosophy, calligraphy, painting):
The collectionof poems Rainbow in the Prairiepublished by the Inner Mongolia Press of China in 1979.
The collectionof poems Sun and People, Land and Seaprinted and published at his own expense in 1979.
《铜叶花园》诗歌集, 1986。
The collectionof poems Garden of Copper Leavesprinted and published at his own expense in 1986.
《今诗古诗集》诗歌集, 1986.
The collectionof poems Collection of Modern and AncientPoems printed and published at his own expense in 1986.
The collectionof poems Back Profile and Self Portraitpublished by Lijiang Publishing House in 1988.
FiveWestern Poetsprinted and published at his own expense in 1992.
The philosophycollection Blank Spirit published byShanghai Literature and Art Publishing House in 1993.
Dramasof Zhang Kuoprinted and published at his own expense in 2001.
Poemsof Zhang Kuopublished by the Writers Publishing House in 2014.
The Blank Spirit (supplemental) published byShanghai Literature and Art Publishing House in 2014.
Paintingsand Calligraphies of Zhang Kuoprinted and published at his own expense in 2002.
Calligraphiesof Zhang Kuoprinted and published at his own expense in 2003.
Watercolorsof Zhang Kuoprinted and published at his own expense in 2010.
Paintingsof Zhang Kuopublished by Rongbaozhai Arts Publishing House in 2014.
Paintingsand Calligraphies of Zhang Kuopublished by Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House in 2014.
III. Commentsand Interviews:
OneAfternoon of Mantis-Interview with Poet Mr. Zhang Kuo by Zhang Tiannan, the 10thissue in 2012 of Grassland, aliterary magazine.
Poetryand A Free Spirit- Interview with Poet Mr. Zhang Kuo by Guangzi, the Volume of 2014 of the Chinese Language magazine.
Whatare Paintings and Calligraphies of Zhang Kuoby Li Yue, China’s North News, January 20, 2013.
RealPoems: Poem Notes of Zhang Kuoby Li Yue, China’s North News, January 22, 2014
Forever“Blank Spirit” by LiYue, China’s North News, February 16, 2014.
IV.Comments on Zhang Kuo’s Arts (Summary):
The Poems of Zhang Kuo includes poems suchas Names of Things, Why I Write, Travel to the Yinshan Mountains, Travel to Nanli and the Former Home, all of which were wrote from 1987 to 2004.It seems that this collection of poems helps Zhang Kuo finish a Kafkaesquemetamorphosis of life, in other words, many people who once knew Zhang Kuo verywell no longer know him. ----Zhang Kuo’s poems seem to focus on some littlethings, such as toad, jackdaw, mantis, ant, cicada slough, pillworm, molecricket, black beetle, and even ghost. ----Kant once said that “the pure appreciationfor natural beauties but not judgment through value is asign of a beautiful heart. (Critique ofthe Power of Judgment of Kant translated by Zong Baihua, published by theCommercial Press in 1985)
---fromthe OneAfternoon of Mantis -Interview with Zhang Kuo by Zhang Tiannan
In 1991, ZhangKuo lived in Baima Village foot of Zijin Mount in Nanjing, which is far fromthe madding crowd. He wrote and painted all day long, forgetting himself andthe outside world. He once wrote a piece of poetry, “I knew the calligraphy ofthe Orchid Pavilion in my early years, and once wrote thousands of lines afterbreaking ice and grinding ink. I eat when hungry, drink when thirsty, and sleepwhen sleepy. Suddenly I woke up and found that it’s only a golden millet dream(a Chinese allusion, means that high position and great wealth are transientand visional, which are like a dream).” This poem is a true portrayal of hislife. We can see the life and work status of a lonely, industrious and hardyartist.
-----Zhang Kuochanges from poem, philosophy and calligraphy to painting, from running scriptto writing about flowers, landscape and figure, and then painting watercolorsand oil paintings. As early as the summer of 1986, he went to visit Dunhuang tocopy murals. In the autumn of the same year, he went to Yongle Palace, RuichengCounty for the same goal. He loves art, and has devoted his life and enthusiasmto arts for many years. It is often said that “nothing is impossible for awilling heart”. At present, his poems, philosophy, calligraphy and painting arecreative and spectacular, forming a rich and prosperousart world.
Whatare Paintings and Calligraphies of Zhang Kuoby Li Yue
Likethoughts of Heidegger and Cao Xueqin, Zhang Kuo’s thoughts focus on “HumanExistence”. In fact, all writers are writing the same topic, while theirlanguage modes are various. The style of writing of Zhang Kuo is natural,steady, pure and smooth. Since the world is blundering, it is difficult to findsuch pleasing words. Lights constituted by doubt and trust can alter the colorof night, while the night is no longer dark for him. Of course the night isairtight and limitless, but it will finally become unrestrained andfar-ranging, bright and clear. We are accustomed to see his seeking footprintand mediation status in his eyes with glee. We know that merciful and tenderlimitlessness and free original intention are waiting for us in the end of theroad and where we turn around.
Forever “Blank Spirit” by Li Yue

1楼2017-10-08 15:30回复