The pronouns
Bengali pronouns are relatively easy to learn but one must remember some key points:
There is no distinction of gender in Bengali pronouns.
Bengali pronouns distinguish between honorific/polite and familiar pronouns. Honorific or polite forms are marked by a [p] and familiar forms are marked by a [f] in the following tables. This is not only present in the second person as in French but also in the third person. There is yet a third form that is not recommended for use by a visitor to Bangladesh.
In the third person nearness distinguishes three different types of third person pronouns. As an example, for the familiar forms, e imlplies he/she over here, o implies he/she over there, and shay implies he/she elsewhere. These position dependent pronouns are marked by [h], [t], and [e] denoting the proximal relations here, there, and elsewhere respectively.
Basic Personal Pronouns
Subject forms
Person English Singular Plural English
First I Ami AmrA We
Second You [p] Apni ApnArA You
You [f] tumi tomrA You
Third [h] He/She [p] Ini enArA They
He/She [f] e erA They
Third [t] He/She [p] uni unArA They
He/She [f] o orA They
Third [e] He/She [p] tini tenArA They
He/She [f] shay tArA They
Possessive forms
Person English Singular Plural English
First my AmAr AmAder our
Second Your [p] ApnAr ApnAder Your
Your [f] tomAr tomAder Your
Third [h] His/Hers [p] enAr enAder Their
His/Hers [f] er eder Their
Third [t] His/Hers [p] unAr unArder Their
His/Hers [f] or oder Their
Third [e] His/Hers [p] tA(n)re tA(n)der Their
His/Hers [f] tAr tAder Their
Object forms
Person English Singular Plural English
First me AmAke AmAderke us
Second You [p] ApnAke ApnAderke You
You [f] tomAke tomAderke You
Third [h] Him/Her [p] InAke enAderke Them
Him/Her [f] eke ederke Them
Third [t] Him/Her [p] unAke unArderke Them
Him/Her [f] oke oderke Them
Third [e] Him/Her [p] tenAke tenAderke Them
Him/Her [f] tAke tAderke Them
Demonstrative Pronouns
Bengali English
eTA this [h]
oTA that [t]
sheTA that [e]
egulo these [h]
ogulo those [t]
shegulo those [e]