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IP属地:中国澳门1楼2017-05-12 09:55回复
    Gordon Holmes: Oh, Sierra…
    Sierra Dawn Thomas: (Laughs) I’m so mad at myself, trust me. It still eats me alive. I let myself down. And watching it again was just salt on an open wound. Literally, watching it, I feel like I was cheated on by a long-term boyfriend. It’s a weird feeling. I was trying so hard this season and for a moment I slipped up.
    Holmes: You didn’t mean to tell Sarah about the legacy advantage?
    Thomas: I didn’t mean to tell anyone. Her and I were having this conversation and she was crying to me about home. It was weird. And all this word vomit came out. And you see me regretting it as I’m saying it. I see the true fear in my eyes that I shouldn’t be saying it.
    Holmes: “Survivor” is a game. You had an advantage, she tricked you, now she has an advantage. So, do you sit there and think, “Good move”? Or, did she go too personal with the “love” talk?
    Thomas: I hate to say it, but it got a little too personal. Seeing my dad brought out all those emotions and I lost where I was in the game. I let my emotions get the best of me.
    Holmes: Speaking of, your dad is adorable.
    Thomas: Isn’t he the sweetest thing ever? I do not deserve that man. He is so kind and loving.
    Holmes: He said he was so proud of you because you were facing such strong competition. Was that a shot at Dan Foley?
    Thomas: (Laughs) I don’t think so! (Laughs) That’s funny. I think he was just saying that all of these people who’ve played three or four times and here’s his little girl playing with them. He was just super proud of me.
    Holmes: How tall is he?
    Thomas: I think he’s like 6’3, 6’4.
    Holmes: They grow those Thomases big.
    Thomas: My uncle is seven feet. We’re a tall bunch over here.

    IP属地:中国澳门2楼2017-05-12 09:56
      Holmes: How confident were you that last night’s vote was going to go your way and Andrea was going home?
      Thomas: Probably 50/50…maybe even a little more confident. What was scary is when I said the people who talked to me today, that’s who I’m voting with. Cirie didn’t say one word to me, Andrea didn’t. I knew they were going to be writing my name down. But, I thought I had the other half of them.
      Holmes: When did you learn that Sarah had voted for you?
      Thomas: At Ponderosa.
      Holmes: Earlier you had said you that wanted your final three to be Debbie and Sarah. Where does Brad fit into that?
      Thomas: Ooo…it was either Sarah or Brad. But I always wanted to go to the end with Miss Debbie.
      Holmes: You voted for Tai last week, and he saved you during the Malcolm vote…which I’m still mad about.
      Thomas: (Laughs) I’m sorry.
      Holmes: Too late for that, Thomas.
      Thomas: (Laughs) That’s funny.
      Holmes: Was last week’s vote a pure, as-long-as-it’s-not-me situation or were you not that close with Tai?
      Thomas: It was survival mode. You want me to prove I’ll do whatever you say? I’ll vote for Tai and put a little heart above my I so you know it’s me. I was trying to make it another day.
      Holmes: Is it frustrating to know that Troyzan had an idol and could have bailed you guys out and taken the numbers back?
      Thomas: 100%! I feel like the best idol plays are when you play them for someone else. It gives you a better case in the end. I gave this to this person. And he could have easily changed the numbers. Knowing that he has that makes me sick because I was close with him. We could’ve taken over the game.
      Holmes: It had to feel good to be the last Sierra/Ciera standing.
      Thomas: That was on my mind. Just making it as far as I did, I got to see my dad. There were a million things I was grateful for. But, that’s one I pat myself on the back for.
      Holmes: Zeke thought nobody wanted to take him to the end after the Varner incident because he’d have a story to tell the jury. Was it that, were people afraid of his game play? He certainly wasn’t afraid to make moves.
      Thomas: Zeke is an amazing “Survivor” player as far as being knowledgeable and strategic. He’s very personable. So, I think taking Zeke to the end, there are a million reasons why he could have won. He’s great at challenges. He’s great at puzzles. He’s great with people.
      Holmes: Last night you alluded that Michaela was prone to losing her cool. We saw a little of that after she lost the reward challenge, but we haven’t seen much of it. What was she doing that we didn’t see that gave people that impression of her?
      Thomas: She’s a funny girl. When she’s in a good mood, you want to be around her. But, when she gets frustrated, she really struggles…especially on “Survivor,” you can’t fly off the handle. Everybody is watching all the time. And it was a daily thing where there was a moment where if things didn’t go her way or she was hungry, or tired, or irritable, she couldn’t control her emotions and would act out.

      IP属地:中国澳门3楼2017-05-12 09:56
        Holmes: We’re going to try something new here. I’ll give you the name of someone on your tribe and you give me a couple of words about them.
        Thomas: (Laughs)
        Holmes: It’s brand new. Let’s start with Aubry.
        Thomas: Nerdy, but I love her.
        Holmes: Zeke?
        Thomas: Strong.
        Holmes: Brad?
        Thomas: My BFF.
        Holmes: Cirie?
        Thomas: Sneaky.
        Holmes: Ozzy?
        Thomas: Provider.
        Holmes: Troyzan?
        Thomas: (Laughs) Green monster.
        Holmes: Debbie?
        Thomas: My girl.
        Holmes: Andrea?
        Thomas: Gorgeous.
        Holmes: Sarah?
        Thomas: Scary.
        Holmes: Caleb?
        Thomas: (Laughs) I might regret this, but wannabe Beast Mode Cowboy.
        Holmes: JT?
        Thomas: My man! I love JT.
        Holmes: Hali?
        Thomas: Could never get on the same page.
        Holmes: Michaela?
        Thomas: Funny. She’s witty and funny.
        Holmes: Let’s finish with Tai.
        Thomas: Very loving.
        Holmes: You are the fourth person to bring up Troyzan’s…gifts.
        Thomas: (Laughs)
        Holmes: I have a theory that you and your Game Changing buddies are punking me and trying to get me to ask him about it during his exit interview.
        Thomas: (Laughs)
        Holmes: I have news for you; unless he trips on it during an immunity challenge, it’s not going to happen.
        Thomas: (Laughs) That’s amazing. It is what it is. When you think of Troyzan’s…it’s just the green monster. I feel like it’s in my face right now…just the greenness.
        Holmes: This is a family site, Sierra.
        Thomas: I’m sorry!
        Holmes: Now, I love me some Sierra Dawn Thomas, but I did not think you were a Game Changer when I first saw the cast list. Having said that, I’m ready to give you the Kelley Wentworth – Didn’t Do Much Her First Season and Came Back and Kicked Butt Her Second Time Award.
        Thomas: Thank you! I have a very big smile on my face. That means a lot. I wasn’t super proud of my first season. And when I got the call to go back, I was where you were. I thought, “I don’t deserve to go back there.” But if you give me this opportunity, I’m going to give it everything I have. I’m going to do things that make me uncomfortable. I kept reminding myself, “You’re out here and you’re going to have to do big things so you can have a case at the end of the game.” I was taking chances. I’m proud of myself. I’m a little upset about what happened with Sarah, but I am proud of myself.
        Holmes: Before the game I asked if your Worlds Apart buddies had given you any advice. In the future, you should be the one giving advice.
        Thomas: (Laughs) I love that! I’m going to hang that over their heads forever.

        IP属地:中国澳门4楼2017-05-12 09:56
          Sierra Dawn Thomas, despite her fifth-place finish in Survivor Worlds Apart, entered Survivor Game Changers as an unknown quantity.
          During her first season, Sierra played a quiet game, sticking with her original Blue Collar tribe mates despite personality differences, riding those loyalties all the way to the final five. It was effective, if not flashy. What’s more, Sierra was the final player to make the Game Changers cast, as a last minute replacement for Survivor San Juan del Sur winner Natalie Anderson. Without much time to process her Survivor resumé, as it were, for the players and for fans alike, Sierra stood out in the preseason as the biggest question mark in the cast.
          Now that her game is at an end, we have some answers. Sierra was one of the leading voices in a powerful alliance populated by Brad Culpepper, Debbie Wanner and others. She was the Sheriff of Game Changers for a time, calling shots and delivering marching orders from the comfort of a hammock. She was one of the main architects behind the decision to vote out Malcolm Freberg at the controversial two-tribe Tribal Council. She discovered the mysterious Legacy Advantage on her first day of the game… a blessing and a curse, it turns out, as that very same advantage became one of the main factors in her eventual demise.
          Here’s what Sierra tells Parade about her time out there in Fiji, the story behind telling Sarah Lacina about the advantage, her view of the questions surrounding her place on the season, the status of her relationship with fellow Dirty 30 alum Hali Ford, and more.
          Josh Wigler (Survivor press, Parade): Good morning, Sierra! How are you feeling?
          Sierra Dawn Thomas (Worlds Apart): [Prolonged, epic groan.]
          Wigler: I don’t know how I’m going to accurately transcribe that groan. That was pretty epic.
          Sierra: I know! It’s because it’s been weighing on me for a long time. I knew the mistake I made. I felt like watching it again… the best way I can describe it is it was like catching my best friend cheating with my longtime boyfriend. I woke up this morning and was like, “Oh my gosh, whaaaat? Sierra Dawn, what were you thinking?“
          Wigler: What were you thinking? You’ve had time to reflect on this. What’s the post-mortem?
          Sierra: The big picture, I’m super proud of myself. I played a much more intense game this time around. I made a huge mistake telling Sarah about the advantage. The moment you see us sitting down talking… I did not go into that conversation thinking I was going to tell her about it, let alone anyone. If I was going to tell anyone, it was going to be Brad Culpepper. Prior to us saying that, she was crying to me about home. I was embracing her and I’m a girl and I hate that I have emotions, and I fell into the trap. I was like, “Here’s the thing…” It was a “hey, I’ll take you with me” plea. But I shouldn’t have given away the fact that … I could have said I have the advantage, but not the whole, “If I get voted out, I’m going to give it to you” thing. Hello, are you stupid, Sierra? I have a million regrets as far as that goes.

          IP属地:中国澳门5楼2017-05-12 09:57
            Wigler: Yeah, maybe that second part of the pitch, you could have held that back.
            Sierra: I mean, come on. (Laughs) It seems so simple. Watching it, I was screaming at myself: “Are you stupid?” But it was my Hail Mary, man. I was hungry. I had just seen my dad. I felt like I needed to be vulnerable and honest, but you just can’t be those things on Survivor. You just can’t. Lesson learned.
            Wigler: Last week in his exit press, Zeke was saying you were exhausted at that point in the game. Does that ring true to you?
            Sierra: You know what, physically? Yes. I watched my Ponderosa video, and they said that I lost the most weight out of anyone so far. I don’t know why, but I get so physically weak out there. What’s so hard for me is knowing I’m close to the loved ones. And seeing my dad, the emotional toll… the first time, this happened to me too. It’s almost like I check out. I’m so grateful to see my dad and I’m glad he’s there, but it’s almost not good for my game. It’s like, “Daddy! This is home! And this is really hard.”
            Wigler: History repeated itself a little bit, didn’t it?
            Sierra: One hundred percent! I am not good with seeing my dad on Survivor. (Laughs) It’s almost… it’s not that I give up, but it makes me weaker. You would think it would make you stronger, and it does not for me. It’s ridiculous.
            Wigler: Among the reasons why your move last night was surprising, is that I felt your relationship with Sarah came almost out of nowhere. I had no idea you two were so close, so much so that you would be willing to give her the Legacy Advantage. What was your relationship like out there?
            Sierra: Sarah was hands down one of my go to people out on the island. Every night we slept next to each other. Every morning, she would be the person I talked to. That girl is like the people I hang out with at home. We are the same person as far as interests and the way we communicate and get along. We had a legit relationship that you didn’t really see; you saw more of my relationship with Brad. I was very, very close with Sarah. If she was playing me or not? That girl had me. I thought she was my best friend. So I’d like to believe it was real, but after watching last night? I guess it wasn’t.
            Wigler: Did it reignite any anger you were feeling toward her, having watched it back?
            Sierra: Um, not towards her. Just towards myself. I saw a moment of weakness in myself. You played so hard for so long. Why at that point did you do that? I’m mad at myself for being such an idiot.

            IP属地:中国澳门6楼2017-05-12 09:57
              Wigler: When you were voted out, what did you think had happened?
              Sierra: When the votes were read and I’m going home, Sarah looked at me and I saw tears welling up in her eyeballs, as if she’s just as shocked as I am. She’s shaking her head like, “I don’t know what happened!” She played me like a fiddle.
              Wigler: She’s good!
              Sierra: She’s goooooood. Oh, she’s good. I looked at Brad Culpepper, and there was nothing there. So I thought it was Brad. He voted for me. He was my man this whole time, but they must have told him that in order to last longer, he’s going to have to write my name down. Legitimately, I thought Brad had voted for me at that point. But he was just genuinely shocked!
              Wigler: At a certain point, I have to imagine you figured out that Sarah voted for you. What was your reaction to that, whenever you found out?
              Sierra: I wanted to vomit. (Laughs) “No. There’s no way. You’re joking.” It was probably an hour or two of me scratching my head. She got me. She got me good. That’s all there is.
              Wigler: Did you respect it as a game move, or considering how tight you were, was it a tough pill to swallow?
              Sierra: A little bit of both. I try to keep my emotions set aside. It is Survivor, but I feel like you can cross lines, and I felt that maybe she did a little bit with me, as far as that goes. We were very close. We shared a lot of deep, dark secrets. She could have at least just let me know: “Hey, they’re coming for you. Still give me the Legacy Advantage.”
              Wigler: And would that have worked? If she shot straighter with you, would you have still given her the Legacy Advantage?
              Sierra: I mean, probably! She still would have looked at me shocked, and I still would have thought Brad voted for me, and yeah, I would have given it to her. If she stuck by that? Probably. I probably would have.

              IP属地:中国澳门7楼2017-05-12 09:58
                Wigler: You found the Legacy Advantage in the first few minutes of the game. How much of a rush was that?
                Sierra: It’s probably one of my most exciting moments of the game, because I — as with many Survivor fans — didn’t feel like I deserved to be there. I know I’m a competitor. I know I’m good socially. But I wasn’t very happy with the way I played on my first season, so I was questioning myself. In that moment, when I found the advantage, I literally looked up to the man upstairs and pointed: “You’re telling me right now why I deserve to be here, so let’s go.” Once again, guns blazing, new sheriff in town, I’m going to surprise everybody, including myself. I never felt like I deserved to be there more than that moment. It lit something underneath me.
                Wigler: And what were your thoughts on how to wield the advantage, once you realized what was in your possession?
                Sierra: I was praying I wouldn’t have to use it at 13. When that passed, I thought I could get to six. I’m in the numbers. When I get there, I would probably tell somebody if I needed to use it for someone else, one of my close allies. I was willing to play it for somebody else. But I had no intention of telling anybody prior to six. It just came out with Sarah.
                Wigler: And you never told anyone, until Sarah?
                Sierra: No. I don’t even know why I told her. I literally watched the fear in my eyes as I was saying it to her, when I was watching it last night. The regret is just pouring off of my face.
                Wigler: You mentioned a minute ago that you were questioning your own place on the season. You have an Internet connection, so you know that other people questioned it as well. Has that weighed on you? Has it been tough to see that kind of chatter about you?
                Sierra: One hundred percent. Obviously we’re all our own worst critics, but to have everyone else questioning it? I feel like… I’m a little grateful for it, because it did make me play harder. If I had just been loved and everyone felt I deserved to be there, I maybe wouldn’t have done the big moves and the things that I did. But of course it’s hard to be told you don’t deserve to be somewhere. Like, hi! I really do think I deserve to be here! I’m good at challenges and I have a good social game, but you don’t always see what’s happening. It was a hard pill to swallow, to hear all the people who didn’t think I deserved to be there.

                IP属地:中国澳门8楼2017-05-12 09:59
                  Wigler: On top of that, you had such a fast turnaround from finding out you were playing the game, to actually playing the game. What was it, three days at most?
                  Sierra: Literally I had 48 hours. I was at a rodeo hours away from home when I got the phone call that I’m going out to Fiji. It was scary. Obviously it was my second time playing and I knew what it entailed, and I would have wanted to be more mentally prepared, and I would have wanted to put on more weight, and there were so many things I would have done differently. I would have reached out to other people. I feel like people had pre-game alliances, as much as people say they didn’t. I remember when I was leaving that I felt I could use that to my advantage: “When you get out there, tell people your story, you tell them you’re here last minute, you have no pre-game alliances, so you’re an open number. Take me, I’ll vote where you want me to vote.” I told that to everybody. I used it to help me, because I really didn’t have time to make pre-game alliances.
                  Wigler: Yeah, it’s an honest pitch.
                  Sierra: A very believable one, because it was the truth. So I stuck with that: “Y’all have been talking! I’m last minute! I’m here, and I still have no idea how I’m here!”
                  Wigler: In terms of the alliance you ended up with, the show presented it as you and Brad as the co-captains of your group. Was that an accurate portrayal?
                  Sierra: I love Brad Culpepper. From day one, we decided to run this game. Let’s be together, let’s do this. I thought he voted me out. I should have known better. He was such a great friend to me. It’s so weird that one little reaction… that one look he gave me when I went home, it made me question 32 days of playing with that man. It’s crazy what your mind does. Sarah acted, and acted surprised, and I thought Brad flipped on me, when in reality, we were very close, and we were calling the shots. He’s great at listening. He would let me take the lead role, and when I had questions, I would let him take the lead role. We were really good at letting each other figure out what needed to happen.
                  Wigler: When it comes to calling the shots, you did a lot of that from the comfort of your hammock. How much do you miss that hammock?
                  Sierra: The hammock is life. (Laughs) I would sit on that stupid hammock and just stare out at the ocean. You’re so skinny and bony that the ground hurts. The bamboo hurts. Sitting on a log hurts. It’s the one thing that gives to your body. Yes, that hammock was very comfortable. Sitting there calling shots was hilarious to watch for myself, because it’s so out of character with who I am. I mean, who isthat girl? I’m counting numbers on my fingers, I’m pointing at people, you vote here… I don’t know what I was doing to be honest.
                  Wigler: In happier times, at least for you, talk me through the Malcolm vote. The show made it look like you were the architect of that vote. Is that how it went down in your mind?
                  Sierra: Yeah. I love Malcolm. Let me clarify that before I start talking about this. Ilove him, but he could have beat me in any challenge, so he had to go. One hundred percent, I’m the reason Malcolm went home. Obviously Tai played the idol for me, but they weren’t going to go for Malcolm. I had to sit there for 20 minutes arguing with Brad Culpepper about it. “If we can get a big name out now, a physical threat, we need to do it.” I took pride in that one, even if people were mad that it was him and not me. It was a good play in my book.
                  Wigler: You and Malcolm were friends outside of the game, so theoretically, that’s a connection you have on the other side if you need it down the line. How did you arrive at the decision that your connection with Malcolm was less important than his threat level in that moment?
                  Sierra: I feel like I was thinking about the big picture. There were a lot of people I felt I could beat in individual immunity. Just like last night; Brad beat me, and if I could have beaten him, I would have been safe. Even though he’s a number and connection, when it gets down to the nitty gritty, I want to be able to win immunity in order to save myself, not have someone I’m close with. It’s just another reason to vote for that person in the end.

                  IP属地:中国澳门9楼2017-05-12 09:59
                    Wigler: Going into the game, your relationship with Hali was basically non-existent. You ended up playing together for a bit out there. Did your relationship change, or did it remain in that awkward place coming into the game?
                    Sierra: I mean, y’all see my relationship with Hali. (Laughs) Love the girl, nothing against her, we just have never been on the same page. I remember when I got the call to go, she was the first person I texted: “Hey girl, see you in Fiji!” And the reply I got back was, “Who is this?”
                    Wigler: “New phone, whodis?”
                    Sierra: Exactly! (Laughs) Stop it, that’s literally what flashed in my head: “NEW PHONE WHODIS?” That’s pretty much mine and Hali’s relationship. I have nothingagainst the girl. I think she’s so intelligent and I’m so proud of what she’s doing with her life, but me and her just aren’t on the same page when it comes to Survivor, and even outside of the game. I wish her all the best, we just don’t have a relationship.
                    Wigler: How about the rest of the Dirty 30? Are they proud of you?
                    Sierra: They are! My boys all called me last night, and Carolyn and Kelly and Nina… everyone has been so amazing. Obviously I got a little flack from Mike and Tyler and Joe for making that stupid mistake, but they all loved on me and are proud of me. They’ve been so supportive this whole time.
                    Wigler: Even with how it ended, are you prouder of your game this season than your game in Worlds Apart?
                    Sierra: I am, 110%. I learned a lot. I learned that I couldn’t be quiet and just rely on my social game. I needed a strategic game, and I did that. I stepped out of my comfort zone. I did things that I had never done in my life. Even though I was way short of making it to the end, I’m a million times prouder of my game this time around.

                    IP属地:中国澳门10楼2017-05-12 09:59
                      The tribe sent Sierra, a 29-year-old barrel racer and model from Roy, UT, packing at Tribal Council on Night 32 with six out of nine votes. Sierra became the twelfth person voted out of Survivor: Game Changers and the season's fifth jury member.
                      Sierra received votes from Andrea Boehlke, Tai Trang, Michaela Bradshaw, Sarah Lacina, Aubry Braccoand Cirie Fields, while Andrea received votes from Sierra and her closest allies Brad Culpepper andTroy "Troyzan" Robertson.
                      Sierra became the main target after she informed Sarah of her Legacy Advantage -- which basically serves as individual immunity at the Final 6 Tribal Council -- as a way to gain her trust and loyalty. Sierra also promised Sarah she would will the advantage to her if voted out of the game, and that was reason enough for Sarah to go after her and take her out.
                      During an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Thursday, Sierra talked about her Survivorexperience. Below is a portion of what she had to say.

                      IP属地:中国澳门11楼2017-05-12 10:03
                        Reality TV World: After you got voted out and gave your speech about giving the Legacy Advantage to Sarah, you said you hoped she didn't vote for you. So whom were you thinking in that moment betrayed you? Michaela and Tai, I'm assuming?
                        Sierra Dawn Thomas: No. Well, yes, I obviously thought them, but I thought Brad did! I thought my man did! I thought that he, you know, to save himself, had to. Because the moment my name was read and I realized I was going home, I looked at him and there was no emotion.
                        Come to find out, he was shocked, but at that moment, there was no emotion. And then I look at Sarah and she's literally almost crying, seeming so shocked and obviously playing me.
                        But I was like, "Oh, Brad, he threw me under the bus!" He did it! My gut was like, "It could've been Sarah, but was it?" Because I had this huge relationship with Brad the whole game. I couldn't help but question that it wasn't him. Yeah, it was a lot of emotions.
                        Reality TV World: How confident were you going into Tribal Council that your plan to take Andrea out was going to work?
                        Sierra Dawn Thomas: To me, it seemed pretty smart. She's better than me at challenges; she's telling people what to do. So I thought, I mean, I wasn't 100 percent but I was probably like 60 percent confident, "I'm alright tonight." It just seemed like the smart move to make.
                        Reality TV World: When you initially found out that Sarah was the one who betrayed you and rounded up the troops to vote for you so she could obtain the Legacy Advantage, what was your reaction? Were you hurt, angry, bitter? (Laughs)
                        Sierra Dawn Thomas: I like to relate it to introducing your best friend to your boyfriend and then they cheat with each other on you. (Laughs) That's kind of what it felt like, I told her that and then she used it against me.
                        I was humiliated. I was hurt. I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. I mean, there were a million emotions I was feeling towards Sarah at that moment when I was like, "Wow, she played me."
                        Reality TV World: Are you friends with Sarah now or could you see yourself becoming friends with her again? Or will you keep your distance?
                        Sierra Dawn Thomas: I talk to Sarah all the time. She's great. I understand it's a game. It's a hard pill to swallow to watch it all again, but she has reached out to me and was like, "I want you to know whatever happens, whatever you see tonight, what we had was real."
                        But shoot, is she playing me right now?! I can't help but question that a little bit. I don't think she is. (Laughs) But for a second, I'm like, "Okay, but, do you really mean that or no?"

                        IP属地:中国澳门12楼2017-05-12 10:04
                          Reality TV World: Is it safe to say your big mistake in the game was not only telling someone about the Legacy Advantage, but also telling Sarah that you would will the advantage to her if you got voted out? Were you worried at the time you might have just given Sarah all the reason in the world to take you out?
                          Sierra Dawn Thomas: I mean, hello! The right person would think that! Come on, I had no idea what was going on in my head. I had zero intention from the day I found that on Day 1 to tell anybody. I wasn't going to tell a soul.
                          We were sitting there for about an hour, having girl talk, crying. And you see it on my face, I'm scared when I'm telling her. I had no intention to do it let alone tell the girl that I can will it.
                          I mean, that's like digging my own grave and telling her, "Hey, baby girl, throw me in it! I'm telling you, you can have this." (Laughs) I have no idea why I did it. I mean, I shake my head right now just thinking about it. I wish I had a reason why. It was just a moment of weakness and I wasn't thinking.
                          Reality TV World: How confident were you that Tai was on your side going into Tribal Council? Because we didn't see much in last night's episode of you and Brad worrying about Tai's position. Did either of you have a private conversation with him that wasn't shown after Zeke Smith's elimination?
                          Sierra Dawn Thomas: Yes, I did. I took him aside and we spent a lot of time on the beach, just him and I, and I wanted to apologize for writing his name down the Tribal before when I was trying to prove myself, you know, to Cirie and Andrea.
                          But I think the damage was done. I think he felt betrayed at that moment. Me and Brad had written down his name, we said we were working with him the whole time yet so quickly we wrote his name down.
                          So I spent time with him on the beach trying to warm him back up to me, and he was playing me, you know? He was like, "No, I understand! I understand reality." He was obviously still hurt about the fact I was willing to get rid of him.
                          Reality TV World: I think a potential game changer that's flying under the radar is the fact Tai still has two hidden Immunity Idols in his pocket. (Laughs) Did you have any awareness of that while you were out there? And if not, what has your reaction been watching the season back on TV?
                          Sierra Dawn Thomas: I had absolutely no idea that he had two idols. When watching it, it's absolutely crazy! He's just the idol finder. It's absolutely amazing. I love it. But yeah, I had no idea -- definitely had no idea.
                          Reality TV World: Tai is probably going to be sitting pretty for at least two Tribal Councils.
                          Sierra Dawn Thomas: Right!

                          IP属地:中国澳门13楼2017-05-12 10:04
                            1. Sierra說和Sarah的關係很好,甚至兩人還分享了各自生活上的秘密,Sierra把Sarah當朋友。
                            2. 承認告訴Sarah關於LA的事是很愚蠢,她自己十分後悔。
                            3. 說明自己在跟Sarah分享LA的事時腦子混亂,並沒有想太多就很自然說出來了,並且當時是十分相信Sarah的。
                            4. TC時她覺得自己有50%的機會能留下,因為她不確定Tai和Michaela,這能看出她是很相信Sarah的。
                            5. 被淘汰後第一反應是覺得Brad跳票,因為Brad當下的表情十分奇怪,而Sarah表現的十分驚訝。
                            6. F10那場投Tai是為了向Cirie和Andrea證明。事後有向Tai做damage control,但沒用。
                            7. 表示如果Brad沒贏IC,走的會是Brad。(她的隱藏獨白有說她和其他女生有達到一定共識,而Andrea,Cirie和Aubry都表示如果走Brad成功,可以和Sierra合作)
                            8. 她不知道Tai和Troyzan有神像。
                            9. 她的第一盟友是Debbie,然後是Sarah和Brad。她計劃中的F3人選也是Debbie還有Brad,Sarah其中一人。
                            10. 再次提到了她跟Hali沒有賽前盟還有其他聯繫,甚至在她飛去斐濟時給Hali發了短信,Hali給她的回復是“你是誰?”。
                            11. 在EP4裡Malcolm的淘汰中她花了20分鐘說服Brad應該投Malcolm(Brad想投Sandra)

                            IP属地:中国澳门14楼2017-05-12 13:10
                              hali:i don't know her

                              IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端15楼2017-05-12 14:27