原文地址在這裡:http://slippedisc.com/2017/03/happy-news-kissin-gets-wed/ 我大概翻譯一下
The pianist Evgeny Kissin, 45, married Karina Arzumanova yesterday morning in Prague, where the bride lives.
The couple have known each other since they were children.
45歲的基辛和他的新娘Karina Arzumanova昨天(3月11日)在布拉格結婚了,雙方自小就認識。
A friend writes: Their mothers taught piano in the same school. Kissin was taken to play for Karina’s father as a small child. When the father made some critical remarks, the boy replied indignantly, ‘How can you speak like that to the father of your future grandchildren?’
根據朋友透露,他們的母親以前在同一家學校教鋼琴,小時候基辛去給Karina的父親彈奏鋼琴,Karina父親給了一點批評的意見,基辛便憤怒地回應說:你怎麼能夠這樣跟你未來孫子的父親這麼說話? 【哈哈哈!!!
The childhood friends never lost touch, but Karina married someone else and had threee sons. Kissin has never married before.
We wish them well.

The pianist Evgeny Kissin, 45, married Karina Arzumanova yesterday morning in Prague, where the bride lives.
The couple have known each other since they were children.
45歲的基辛和他的新娘Karina Arzumanova昨天(3月11日)在布拉格結婚了,雙方自小就認識。
A friend writes: Their mothers taught piano in the same school. Kissin was taken to play for Karina’s father as a small child. When the father made some critical remarks, the boy replied indignantly, ‘How can you speak like that to the father of your future grandchildren?’
根據朋友透露,他們的母親以前在同一家學校教鋼琴,小時候基辛去給Karina的父親彈奏鋼琴,Karina父親給了一點批評的意見,基辛便憤怒地回應說:你怎麼能夠這樣跟你未來孫子的父親這麼說話? 【哈哈哈!!!
The childhood friends never lost touch, but Karina married someone else and had threee sons. Kissin has never married before.
We wish them well.
