The Chaos Fire itself is a curved sword as it transforms into a sword shape. It could be a weapon to be used as a sword or simultaneously, as pyromancy. 大意就是曲剑会自己燃烧混乱的火焰。
An ancient weapon with demented, tangeled remains. The Mad King still lives inside and when the King awakens, it emits the power to protect the master. Though the King could be whimsical. 会保护使用者的武器??? 有些词没看懂。
A gray giant who appears to wear the old judicator clothes. Raising its hands up in the air, the giant is shouting towards the ceiling. Seems it's calling someone far up in the sky. 讲一个新NPC,灰巨人,对着天花板发出呼唤的奇怪人物。
A knight covered in heavy armor whom you encounter at Dreg Heap. If trusting his words, the knight has become a hollow who has lost his memory. The knight seems to continue his journey in order to gain back his forgotten memory. 这个应该就是之前透露的NPC了,是个好人,这个骑士似乎将继续他的旅程来获得他已经忘却的记忆。
A Ringed Knight, who is one of the old knights. The withered sword, which was sealed by the Gods in the past, seems to have regained its past appearance. 古老的骑士,枯老的剑,被神在过去封印,似乎重新获得了它曾经的样子。大致就这意思,不组织语言了。
A Dragon that breathes fire. As it sinks into the darkness, black crystals that appear on its body fly into the air. At last, the dragon may be consumed by the darkness… 新boss? 被黑暗侵蚀的龙。
Clothes that were worn during the age of Gods. Also very rare to see armor for women. With an elegant touch of fashion, only people from the royal family were able to wear this armor. 优雅的盔甲,只有皇室能穿???
A creature which is similar to Pilgrim Pupa. Corpses have grown under the creature, as it raises it's head to the red sky, looking down upon the angels. Its name is Stone-humped Hag. 从尸体里长出来的??? 恶心出了新境界啊。
Under the soft light of sun set, a woman sleeps everlastingly. Covered by overly grown bacillus, she is holding a half cracked shell. Her name is Filianore - her sleep is meant for the sake of others. 就是在描述这张图上画了啥。唯一值得一提的是,这个女的叫Filianore。