We are pleased to inform you that AUSFOREX Video Authentication Function will be formally launched on March 1st, 2017. If you need to open a live account at the
appointed time, please refer to the following: 1. Submit an application; 2. Before trading, please refer to the following words shoot a video and upload to email address:
certify@ausforex.com to complete video authentication, after successful authentication your trading account can be traded normally, we will notify you by mail at the
appointed time.
我们很荣幸地通知您,我司视频认证功能将于 2017 年 03 月 01 日正式上线。届时开设真实账户,1.正常提交开户申请 2.请您在开始交易前参照以下话术拍摄视频并上传至邮箱:certify@ausforex.com,以便完成视频认证,视频认证审核通过后,您的交易账户将可正常交易,届时我们将会以邮件形式通知您,请知悉。
Reference: I am ***, ID No. *****, i have read AUSFOREX Client Agreement carefully and committed to compliance with the agreement, i fully understand Forex margin
trading and will keep passwords and other important information secure, voluntary apply to open a live account in AUSFOREX on **.
参考话术:本人***,身份证号*****,本人已仔细阅读 AUSFOREX 《客户协议》 并承诺遵守该协议内容,本人已清楚了解外汇保证金交易并会妥善保管密码等重要信息,自愿在**年**月**日在 AUSFOREX 申请开设真实账户。
1. Please hold true valid documents to shoot;
2. Please ensure the document is clear when shooting;
3. Please shooting according to the reference,and ensure that no one else except customer in the video;
4. When shooting, please aligning and setting the camera to avoid too dark, too bright or blurred in the video.
We will consistently provide quality customer service and experience!
Thank you for choosing AUSFOREX as your partner, have a great day!
感谢您选择 AUSFOREX 作为您的合作伙伴,并祝您拥有愉快的一天!
appointed time, please refer to the following: 1. Submit an application; 2. Before trading, please refer to the following words shoot a video and upload to email address:
certify@ausforex.com to complete video authentication, after successful authentication your trading account can be traded normally, we will notify you by mail at the
appointed time.
我们很荣幸地通知您,我司视频认证功能将于 2017 年 03 月 01 日正式上线。届时开设真实账户,1.正常提交开户申请 2.请您在开始交易前参照以下话术拍摄视频并上传至邮箱:certify@ausforex.com,以便完成视频认证,视频认证审核通过后,您的交易账户将可正常交易,届时我们将会以邮件形式通知您,请知悉。
Reference: I am ***, ID No. *****, i have read AUSFOREX Client Agreement carefully and committed to compliance with the agreement, i fully understand Forex margin
trading and will keep passwords and other important information secure, voluntary apply to open a live account in AUSFOREX on **.
参考话术:本人***,身份证号*****,本人已仔细阅读 AUSFOREX 《客户协议》 并承诺遵守该协议内容,本人已清楚了解外汇保证金交易并会妥善保管密码等重要信息,自愿在**年**月**日在 AUSFOREX 申请开设真实账户。
1. Please hold true valid documents to shoot;
2. Please ensure the document is clear when shooting;
3. Please shooting according to the reference,and ensure that no one else except customer in the video;
4. When shooting, please aligning and setting the camera to avoid too dark, too bright or blurred in the video.
We will consistently provide quality customer service and experience!
Thank you for choosing AUSFOREX as your partner, have a great day!
感谢您选择 AUSFOREX 作为您的合作伙伴,并祝您拥有愉快的一天!