重建僵尸大陆3吧 关注:644贴子:3,871




IP属地:湖南1楼2017-02-23 14:36回复
    在调试模式最左边栏位“LOG AUTOSAVE”为将存档复制到粘贴板。
    “LOG XML”为读取存档。

    IP属地:湖南2楼2017-02-23 14:38
      <colinId>3</colinId> 人物ID
      <colinName>本尼·哈伦</colinName> 人物姓名
      <isMale>0</isMale> 人物性别
      <howDied>null</howDied> 死亡原因
      <numMissions>0</numMissions> 任务?所在建筑位置?没测试
      <diedTick>-1</diedTick> 死亡时间?是否死亡?
      <body>4</body> 体型
      <skin>3</skin> 皮肤
      <head>7</head> 头部
      <torso>3</torso> 上身
      <legs>3</legs> 腿
      <currentSkill>Scavenging</currentSkill> 人物职业
      <npcValue>null</npcValue> 没测试?
      <happinessRaw>100</happinessRaw> 快乐值
      <missionId>12</missionId> 任务ID
      <stats> 以下5 项为经验值325为满值
      <perkIds>510,109</perkIds> pokeID
      <backstory>0</backstory> 背景故事
      <backstoryStep>0</backstoryStep> 未测试?
      <relationshipScores/> 和其他幸存者的关系
      <happinessChanges/> 改变幸福指数的事件

      IP属地:湖南3楼2017-02-23 14:47
        preacher - Preacher - More effective while working in a church(牧师)
        entertainer - Musician - Bonus happiness to others during missions(音乐家)
        peacekeeper - Peacekeeper - Reduces chance of riots and fights(和平卫士)
        gunTraining - Firearms Training - +1 Defense with anything from pistols to machine guns(枪械训练)
        meleeTraiing - Melee Training - +1 Defense with swords, sticks or shovels(格斗训练)
        handToHand - Hand to Hand Combat - +2 Defense when no weapon equipped(近身搏击)
        commander - Commander - All survivors gain +0.5 defense(指挥官)
        hoarder - Hoarder - Extra building materials while scavenging(囤积者)
        goodCook - Good Cook - Bonus food production(好厨师)
        greenThumb - Green Thumb - Bonus food while farming(园艺大师)
        scrapper - Scrapper - Scavenging skill is also added to defense(拳击手)
        hunter - Hunter - Hunts faster and with no danger(猎人)
        redecorator - Redecorator - May automatically convert useless buildings(修缮器)---剧情杀手
        defensesExpert - Defenses Expert - Grant +0.5 defense to all buildings(防御专家)
        artist - Artist - Happiness bonus when fortifying buildings(艺术家)
        toolsExpert - Tools Expert - Double skill bonus from tools(工具专家)
        fearlessReclaim - Fearless Reclaim - Can reclaim buildings with zombies on them(勇敢的收复者)
        firstAid - First Aid - May prevent death on missions(急救护理员)
        bookworm - Bookworm - Research bursts, +2 engineering from books(书呆子)
        crafter - Crafter - May create extra items in the workshop(工匠)
        macgyver - MacGyver - Half of Engineering skill added to defense(麦吉弗)
        halfRations - Half Rations - Eats less than other survivors(胃口很小的人)
        animalLover - Animal Lover - Extra skills and happiness if equipped with a pet(动物爱好者)
        easyGoing - Easygoing - Increased happiness(闲人)
        superdude - Superhero - +1 to every skill and increase max level by one(超级英雄)
        loner - Loner - Improved skills when on a mission alone(独行侠)
        teamPlayer - Team Player - Improved skills when on a mission with at least 3 survivors(团队合作者)
        fastRecovery - Fast Recovery - Recovers from injury faster(快速恢复者)
        ninja - Ninja - No penalty for how far away a mission is(忍者)
        devout - Devout - Extra happiness from churches, none from bars(虔诚的信徒)
        camper - Camper - Sleeps under the stars, does not need a house(露营者)
        driver - Driver - May finish missions faster if equipped with a vehicle(司机)
        scholar - Scholar - Learns more from schools(学者)
        skeptic - Skeptic - +1 engineering, immune to religions(无神论者)
        intenseFocus - Intense Focus - -1 to all skills, but learns faster in missions(十分专注的人)---各属性负一
        friendly - Friendly - makes friends faster, more happiness from friends(友好的人)
        stinky - Stinky - +1 defense, but more likely to make enemies(恶臭者)---更容易树敌
        brave - Brave - +1 defense, but may take the hit for another survivor(勇敢)---给其他幸存者抵挡伤害
        tough - Tough - Less likely to die, but hard to make friends(硬汉)---更难交朋友
        pacifist - Pacifist - Factions like you more, but no bonus from weapons(和平主义者)---无法从武器中获得加成
        coward - Coward - Less likely to be injured, but -2 leadership(懦夫)---领导力减二
        lightSleeper - Light Sleeper - +0.5 to all building defense, but decreased happiness(潜睡者)---减少幸福度
        eccentric - Eccentric - Makes both friends and enemies easily(怪人)---容易交朋友也容易树敌
        bornLeader - Born Leader - +3 Leadership skill(天生的领导者)
        fighter - Fighter - +3 Defense skill(斗士)
        resourceful - Resourceful - +3 Scavenger skill(足智多谋者)
        handyman - Handyman - +3 Building skill(能工巧匠)
        genius - Genius - +3 Engineering skill(天才)
        doubleRations - Double Rations - Eats more than other survivors(大胃王)
        allergicPets - Allergic to Pets - Can't equip animals(宠物过敏者)
        clumsy - Clumsy - Increased mission danger(笨手笨脚的人)
        sickly - Sickly - More likely to get sick(体弱多病者)
        downer - Downer - Lowers happiness of other survivors when on missions(令人沮丧的人)
        rebellious - Rebellious - May refuse to work(反抗者)
        factionRiffs - Former Riff - Increases sway with The Riffs(前 成员)
        factionJudgment - Ex Last Judgment - Increases sway with The Last Judgment(前 成员)
        factionChosen - Former Chosen One - Increases sway with The Chosen Ones(前 成员)
        factionPigFarmers - Former Pig Farmer - Increases sway with The Pig Farmers(前 成员)
        factionLuddies - Former Luddie - Increases sway with The Luddies(前 成员)
        factionStMichaels - StMichael's Dropout - Increases sway with StMichael's(前 成员)
        factionRotten - Rotten - Increases sway with The Rotten(前 成员)
        factionGovernment - Government Agent - Increases sway with The Government(前 成员)
        factionDahlias - Former DAHLIA - Increases sway with The Dahlias(前 成员)
        factionLeetcrew - Former 1337cREw - Increases sway with The 1337cREw(前 成员)
        factionPharmacists - Former Pharmacist - Increases sway with The Pharmacists(前 成员)
        factionGustav - Friend of Gustav - Increases sway with Gustav the trader(古斯塔夫的朋友)
        cultist - Cultist - Follower of The Chosen Ones, +10 happiness(邪教徒)
        addict - Addict - Regular user of the drug Bath Salts, +1 defense(瘾君子?)
        immune - Immune - Won't die from a zombie bite, +1 defense(免疫者)
        winLeader - Leader - Leader of the city while writing the constitution(失效?)
        pregnant - Pregnant - Gonna have a baby!(怀孕)
        pilot - Pilot - Knows how to fly a plane(飞行员)
        noRations - No Rations - Doesn't eat... food at least(不进食者)
        omega - Omega - Necrotic skin, fits of rage and +5 Defense(欧米噶)
        gay - Gay - Hidden perk(同性恋)
        passenger - Passenger - Is invited to be on the plane out of here(乘客)
        billHyman - Bill Hyman - Guy from the Hope plotline(比尔。海曼)
        dianeMoon - Diane Moon - Tutorial lady(戴安。沐恩)
        immortal - Immortal - Can\'t die or be injured(永生者)
        formerGoat - Former Goat - Came of age at 14 years while living in the fort(前山羊成员)
        vanNooten - VanNooten - Calls herself Gretchen(猴血)
        petOwner - Pet Owner - +10 happiness from having a pet(宠物主人)
        hasVehicle - Has Vehicle - No extra danger from far away missions(有车族)
        hasDefense - Defended - Prevents death on missions(防御者)
        scoutingRange - See Further - Reveal adjacent buildings when scouting(远望者)
        recreation - Recreation - Equipment prevents boredom(消遣)
        goatOwner - Babysitter - +10 happiness from taking care of a child(护婴员)
        politician - Politician - +leadership and one extra survivor(政治家)
        shopClerk - Shop Clerk - +scavenging and +25% better trades(商场工作者)
        doctor - Doctor - +engineering and -1 day to injury recovery(医生)
        retiree - Retiree - +building and +10% happiness bonus(退休者)
        policeOfficer - Police Officer - +defense and +1 from all guns(警察)
        priest - Priest - +leadership, church, more devout survivors(神父)
        hobo - Hobo - +scavenging, +5 housing space(流浪汉)
        collegeStudent - College Student - +engineering, schools and bars 25% more effective(大学生)
        constructionWorker - Construction Worker - +building and half materials costs(建筑工人)
        gangMember - Gang Member - +defense and no happiness loss from death/injury(黑帮成员)
        rockstar - Rockstar - +leadership and factions love you
        pizzaDelivery - Pizza Delivery Driver - +scavenging and has a car and sword, and driver perk
        programmer - Programmer - +engineering and start with a lab and tech
        developer - Real Estate Developer - Anyone who builds anything takes 1 day
        gamer - Pro Gamer - +defense and enemies are twice as powerful

        IP属地:湖南4楼2017-02-23 14:50

          IP属地:湖南5楼2017-02-23 14:58

            IP属地:湖南6楼2017-02-23 14:59

              IP属地:湖南7楼2017-04-08 17:55

                IP属地:湖南8楼2017-04-08 17:55

                  IP属地:广东9楼2017-05-02 00:59

                    来自iPhone客户端10楼2017-06-13 13:53

                      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端13楼2017-06-18 11:22

                        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端14楼2017-06-18 11:22

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