我昨晚弄到三点没弄好,拜托一位吧友,帮我一下,解决一下迷津,就差一步了,那个 亚马逊提示
Important MessageWe had a problem with the card you supplied for your Amazon Prime membership. Unfortunately, you will not receive Amazon Prime benefits until this problem is resolved. Please re-enter a preferred payment method.
亚马逊提示的错误,我郁闷了,别的绑定游戏,和关联tw都弄了,来一个吧友吧 yy:75435195
Important MessageWe had a problem with the card you supplied for your Amazon Prime membership. Unfortunately, you will not receive Amazon Prime benefits until this problem is resolved. Please re-enter a preferred payment method.
亚马逊提示的错误,我郁闷了,别的绑定游戏,和关联tw都弄了,来一个吧友吧 yy:75435195