HDR这个东西…哎…楼主买了个创维4K HDR WOLED…为了适配Xbox One S的HDR10的过程,说起来全是泪。推荐各位喜欢4K HDR WOLED的朋友,请一定要买LG的,省心很多。![](http://tb2.bdstatic.com/tb/editor/images/face/i_f28.png?t=20140803)
List of HDR Supported Xbox One Games
Battlefield 1
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Final Fantasy XV
Forza Horizon 3
Gears of War 4
NBA 2K17
Resident Evil 7
World of Tanks
List of HDR Supported Xbox One Games
Battlefield 1
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Final Fantasy XV
Forza Horizon 3
Gears of War 4
NBA 2K17
Resident Evil 7
World of Tanks