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Before using HTTP, the app will first try to load the input payload from SD "/menuhax/menuhaxmanager_input_payload.bin", then continue to use HTTP if loading from SD isn't successful. Actually using this SD payload is not recommended for end-users when HTTP download works fine. The input payload from SD is basically just copied to the ropbin file used by menuhax, where only the first 0x10000-bytes are written(only the first 0x10000-bytes get loaded by menuhax, anything after that doesn't matter). Hence, the input payload must be a ropbin file, not otherapp. Hence, you can't use *hax payload pre-v2.5 starting with menuhax_manager v2.0 unless you already have the ropbin file for it(which would have to be located at the SD input-payload filepath).
我凭个人理解下载了ropbin file然后改名放在上述目录里,依旧没有任何改善……小白我已经近最大努力了。。有没有办法让我安装成menuhax。。谢谢各位大佬!!

IP属地:加拿大1楼2016-11-11 00:43回复

    IP属地:加拿大2楼2016-11-11 00:46