-- TimeToTime v20161001 displayMode(FULLSCREEN_NO_BUTTONS) --clearLocalData() -- Use this function to perform your initial setup function setup() print("Hello World!") min,sec = 0 totalMin = readLocalData("min",0) fs = 500 end -- This function gets called once every frame function draw() -- This sets a dark background color background(255, 255, 255, 255) fill(127, 127, 127, 81) -- fs = 500 fontSize(WIDTH/string.len(math.floor(readLocalData("min",0)*100)/100)*2) -- fontSize(fs) text(math.floor(readLocalData("min",0)*100)/100,WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2) time = ElapsedTime min = math.floor(time/60) sec = math.floor(time-60*min) if min < 10 then min = "0"..min end if sec < 10 then sec = "0"..sec end fill(0, 0, 0, 255) font("SourceSansPro-Light") fontSize(300) text(min.." : "..sec,WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2) fontSize(50) text(os.date("%X"),WIDTH/2+260,HEIGHT/2+150+40) -- This sets the line thickness --strokeWidth(5) if CurrentTouch.tapCount == 2 then saveLocalData("min",totalMin+math.floor(time/60)+math.floor(time-60*min)/60) close() end -- Do your drawing here end