黎明杀机吧 关注:312,989贴子:12,046,592
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等了好久终于等到更新啦,包括修复BUG 中文语言


1.0.4 - Patch NotesFEATURES & CONTENT
Additional Survivor Customization Items (one set per Survivor)
Survivor Gestures
Russian & Chinese Localization
New Coldwind Farm Map (Fractured Cowshed)
Increased support for catching players tampering with game files
Level design & art adjustments to reduce infinite window loops
Added dynamic spawning of window blockers
Removed the possibility to place bear trap really close (or on top) of each other
Fixed escaping of the level when running towards the exit and caught in a bear trap
Fixed hatch noise being audible even if the hatch is invisible
Fixed locker interior being visible in the distance
Fixed locker blocking placement of bear traps
Fixed some issues with objects appearing too clearly through fog and in low-end
Fixed issue with chainsaw add-ons making it impossible to fully heal a survivor
Fixed some cases where the survivor used killer customization parts when entering a private lobby
Fixed returning to a lobby from a private match causing an infinite load for the Host
Fixed countdown not occurring in private lobby if a party member leaves while readied-up
Fixed some cases where bear traps could be farmed for points by survivors
Fixed some cases where players would not lose pips (disconnect penalty) while exiting an active game
Fixed scoring event localization
Fixed hatch appearance frequency on certain maps
Fixed black nodes appearing on the blood web (and force regenerate invalid blood webs)

1楼2016-07-27 01:57回复
    大概意思就是新增了防改档机制,现在改档会被官方记录导致封号。 打过3DM汉化的朋友 会显示更新2.4G 没打的显示500多M更新

    3楼2016-07-27 01:59

      来自Android客户端4楼2016-07-27 01:59

        IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端5楼2016-07-27 02:03