同学们老师们:2016秋季学期(下学期)音乐社将举办三中传统“三中好声音”,届时欢迎高二和高三同学以及所有老师参与比赛,奖品丰厚。 tips:1.有意参赛者可以关注三中吧以及学校广告. 2.报名方式,具体要求和时间安排会稍后通知。3.地点暂定图书馆演播厅。同学们积极参与展现自我,可以先练歌了哦~(另外本就是音乐社成员的请多积极关注帮忙宣传)
Dear students and teachers :
We're going to hold the No.3 middle school's traditional competition------ "the voice of No. middle school " next term. And welcome all the students at senior 2 or 3 and all the teachers to take part in. Those who come and show themselves will get not only great prizes but also fame.What is of great temptation is that we will invite those who are on the top of the competitors to form a band,which is the opportunity you can hardly get. When and where to hold it and contect information we'll advertise later ,please pay close attention.
Dear students and teachers :
We're going to hold the No.3 middle school's traditional competition------ "the voice of No. middle school " next term. And welcome all the students at senior 2 or 3 and all the teachers to take part in. Those who come and show themselves will get not only great prizes but also fame.What is of great temptation is that we will invite those who are on the top of the competitors to form a band,which is the opportunity you can hardly get. When and where to hold it and contect information we'll advertise later ,please pay close attention.