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倩儿 6.13 本周作业


Cash andCrime 金钱与犯罪
“CASH”, wrote Marcus Felson, an outstandingAmerican criminologist犯罪学者, “is the mother’s milk of crime.” Its appeal tocriminals is clear. Unlike cars or paintings, it can be concealed immediatelyafter being pinched压紧的,痛苦的困难的. It has no security features安全特征 to prevent its being easily and anonymously不具名的化名的 spent on legal or illegal goods. Unlike nearly anyother object that can be stolen, it needs no fence.
Criminals’ need for cash motivates much predatory掠夺的 street crime. A new paper from the National Bureau of EconomicResearch国民经济调查局 asks whetherthis might work in reverse: if cash motivates crime, could the absence of cash reduce crime? Theanswer seems to be yes.
The paper looks at county-level县级 crime data in Missouri from 1990 to 2011, a periodwhen crime dropped markedly all over the rich world. During this time Missouri,like the rest of America, changed the way it delivered its welfare and food-stamp给失业者或贫民的粮票 benefits. Instead of paper cheques states now usea debit-card system结算卡系统 known as Electronic Benefit Transfer电子津贴转账(EBT). Missouri introduced EBT cards in eight phasesover 12 months. This gradual shift allowed the authors to analyse not justdifferences in crime rates before and after the introduction of EBT, but alsohow those differences compared with changes during the same period in countiesthat had not implemented it.
They found that electronic payments电子支付 led to a drop of 9.8% in the overall crime rateand caused the rates of burglary盗窃, assault and larceny to fall by 7.9%, 12.5% and9.6%, respectively. The introduction of EBT was also associated with a lowernumber of arrests, an indication that the crime rate’s decline did not stem from起源于 more 有攻击性的监管aggressivepolicing. EBT’s effects on non-property-related crimes suchas drug offences were statistically insignificant. The findings suggest,according to Volkan沃尔坎 Topalli托帕利, one of theauthors, that “for people in densely populated urban neighbourhoods, the lesscash they have and the more their transactions are digitised数码化, the less attractive criminal targets they make.”
It points to something broader, too. The sharpdecline in crime since the 1990s has led to a rash of theories to explain it:ageing populations, higher incarceration and immigration rates, less exposureto lead paint, better police tactics as well as vastly improved security ofboth products and places Mr. Topalli’s paper suggests that the shift from cashto cards—since 1990 debit-cardtransactions借记卡交易 have risen 27-fold, whereas cash volume has grown by just 4% a year—mayalso have contributed to the decline in crime. It’s hard to rip and run, afterall, without something to rip.

IP属地:浙江1楼2016-06-21 14:13回复