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Jennifer Lawrence is this year;s highest-paid actress in Hollywood, according to Forbes.The actress earned an estimated $52 million during the past twelve months.Her money came from her movie roles and a lucrative deal as the face of fashion house Dior.
Scarlett Johansson follows at number two having earned just over 35 million US dollars, Melissa McCarthy rounds up the top 3 with 23 million dollars.
Chinese super star Fan Bingbing trails closely behind with 21 million US dollars, and Jennifer Aniston takes up the fifth place with just over 16 million US dollars.
 Despite earning the highest amount among female artists, Jennifer Lawrence's earnings is a far cry from the estimated 80 million US dollars earned by the top paid male actor, Robert Downey Jr.

1楼2016-06-07 21:53回复
    She is so beautiful and capable,she work hard for so many years and be a able woman from a acerbe girl,she was once my favorite entertainment stars.

    2楼2016-06-07 23:01
      The reason why I like fan bingbing, not only her beauty, but also her hard work and public-spirited.

      IP属地:黑龙江3楼2016-06-07 23:09
        I find the other point
        Why the first earning actress far cry from the 80 million dollars owner by Robert Downey Jr?

        4楼2016-06-07 23:14
          I think she is very beautiful

          IP属地:湖南5楼2016-06-07 23:23
            Actually, the income of a person is related to the effort he/she make or used to make whether she/he is a star or just an everyman.

            7楼2016-06-08 01:01
              I always believe that God rewards the diligent.Nothing but perseverance can lend a man to the way of success.

              IP属地:上海8楼2016-06-08 01:24
                She is a model of all women,a symbol of independence as well as intelligence.

                来自iPhone客户端9楼2016-06-08 01:27
                  congtatulations,but Scarllet Johnhanson is my godness,always support her.

                  IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端10楼2016-09-09 13:09
                    I think that Fan Bingbing is not only beautiful but also capable.

                    IP属地:河北来自Android客户端11楼2016-09-10 13:24
                      From my point of view,as for some famous people,they should not make them seleves well-known through some meaningless things.They should take the responsibility as a public character.

                      13楼2016-09-21 16:16
                        After reading this article,I feel quite proud for Fan Bingbing is on this list.

                        来自Android客户端14楼2016-09-27 16:56