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A Chinese city has banned high school students from tearing up textbooks or yelling in hallways to relieve exam pressure, state media said.
Almost ten million students across China sit for the notoriously difficult, two-day exam every year.
An "unconventional measure of blowing off steam before the exam has prevailed in recent years, with students tearing their textbooks into pieces and throwing them off the school building.
In a poll on Chinese website Sina, 51% of users said they did not support the ban. Some users commented saying that the books belonged to the students, so it was up to them what they wanted to do with it.
Others pointed out that the students were unlikely to tear up their textbooks before their exams, and that they were simply tearing up scrap paper.
However, another Sina user pointed out they were in support of the ban, saying that the practice was a waste of resources, adding that the books could be given to other classmates or sold instead.
According to the Global Times, seven students in Hubei Province were allegedly expelled last year for tearing up textbooks and flinging them out of the school's windows.
The school later said the students had only been warned and they would still be able to take the exam.

IP属地:江西来自Android客户端1楼2016-06-06 16:20回复
    It is not a waste of resources, it will be cleaned up.And I think it's a way to release their stress.

    4楼2016-06-06 22:15
      the ban is a good thinking of how to teach students to release themselves by the better way instead of tearing books.

      IP属地:湖南5楼2016-06-07 00:55
        It's without rebuke that students choose this way to release their stress and show their joviality.

        来自Android客户端6楼2016-06-07 08:28
          In fact ,when the students of my class tore up book in senier high school,we perfer to tear the book like magazine or least they're not necessary.

          IP属地:美国7楼2016-06-07 08:54
            In today's society, everyday we may face some kind of stress and difficulties from work, school or family. In order to escape them, people have different methods. Some students think that tearing the books will relieve the pressure,but from my point of view, I would like to use different ways according to different stress.
            First, the stress from work and school maybe the most common stress. In this circumstance, I like to listen to music, especially some inspiring music. When I appreciate it, I can transiently forget those unpleasant things and let my head sober. After listening to those inspiring music, I feel that I am full of encourage overcoming difficulities.

            8楼2016-06-07 12:54
              When I was in high school,I prefer to sell my books to junior grade instead of tore them up.

              来自iPhone客户端9楼2016-06-07 12:58
                What?Are you kidding me?Maybe that's not so good!But I think its a good idea to relax.

                IP属地:湖南10楼2016-06-07 13:53
                  I sold all my textbooks.It's kind of waste to tear books.At least you can change them into money just like what I did.

                  IP属地:广东来自手机贴吧11楼2016-06-07 19:20
                    Share a unlacky guy finding his admission ticket in pieces of paper。

                    IP属地:日本来自Android客户端12楼2016-06-07 20:35
                      I think it's a way to release their stress.

                      IP属地:黑龙江13楼2016-06-07 23:29
                        This is obvious to vent presure performance!

                        IP属地:内蒙古14楼2016-06-08 00:49
                          I think that behavior should be punished. I clearly remember the day before the final exam. Tons of papers falling from the top stairs... A great number of students standing on the ground to pick up the book that they can use the other year. Cleaners pick and clean the ground... What an embrassed time! What a dole...

                          IP属地:阿联酋来自iPhone客户端15楼2016-06-08 07:49
                            I think that behavior should be punished. I clearly remember the day before the final exam. Tons of papers falling from the top stairs... A great number of students standing on the ground to pick up the book that they can use the other year. Cleaners pick and clean the ground... What an embrassed time! What a dole...

                            IP属地:湖南16楼2016-06-14 21:20
                              This book can as a souvenir of senior high school.We can use other ways to release pressure.

                              IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端19楼2016-09-05 19:57