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Mothers Adorable Photo Series Shows That Love Has No Boundar


1# Post time Yesterday 11:40 |View the author only |View in reverse order
Photographer and mother to three children, Anna Larson captures the beautiful bond between her two daughters in a stunning photo series titled Barely Different which proves that love really does have no boundaries. Two of her children are biological however her third, Semenesh, was adopted from Ethiopia five years ago. After finishing high school Anna had volunteered at an infant care facility in Haiti where she fell in love with two children who she cared for constantly. After returning home she learnt that one of the children had passed away and was sure that adoption was the right thing to do. Five years later the family have grown together and adopting has taught them a lot. Anna decided to document the unique bond that her two daughters share together and has chosen to shoot in black and white to show her children's similarities rather than their differences.

1楼2016-06-05 21:01回复
    I can't agree more! Love really does have no boundaries depite race and wealth.

    2楼2016-06-05 22:09