var potionsOnTheWall = 10;
var numToTakeDown = 1;
while(true) {
this.say(potionsOnTheWall + " potions of health on the wall!");
this.say(potionsOnTheWall + " potions of health!");
this.say("Take " + numToTakeDown + " down, pass it around!");
potionsOnTheWall -= numToTakeDown;
this.say(potionsOnTheWall + " potions of health on the wall.");
var numToTakeDown = 1;
while(true) {
this.say(potionsOnTheWall + " potions of health on the wall!");
this.say(potionsOnTheWall + " potions of health!");
this.say("Take " + numToTakeDown + " down, pass it around!");
potionsOnTheWall -= numToTakeDown;
this.say(potionsOnTheWall + " potions of health on the wall.");