playtbc吧 关注:124贴子:888
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IP属地:北京1楼2016-05-12 08:45回复
    Greetings all,
    Since this is one of the last platforms available to us administrators treat this as the official announcement.
    PlayTBC is no more. The lead developer has taken down the forums and is rerouting traffic to hellground at this time. Any solicitations for donations should be ignored. This is an attempt to cash out before running out the door so please spread the word to avoid any financial loss on the communities part.
    It's disgusting how everything has turned out and there is no excuse for this, but nevertheless thank you for all who expressed interest at one point in the project.
    Just to be clear, the lead developer decided to cut everyone out. The admins/staff did NOT have any say in this, he has complete control over everything.

    IP属地:北京2楼2016-05-12 08:45
      Following on from Peanut's announcement here on Facebook.
      We have removed the lead developers access to this Facebook page, any future updates will be from verified staff (either team leaders or Administration). We still however suggest you do not donate to any links placed on this page to ensure your financial security.
      Sadly, these 'roles' no longer mean anything as PlayTBC is no longer a server in the running for the TBC community.
      Messages have been coming in asking whether or not this has been a troll from the beginning, I can assure you it has not. We have been working tremendously hard to provide you all with something you wanted. However the actions from one have ensured this cannot be.
      From all the staff here at PlayTBC we hope you find a comfortable home with another server out there and we wish that you can forgive the team for what has happened tonight.
      May we cross paths in the future.

      IP属地:北京3楼2016-05-12 08:45

        IP属地:河南来自iPhone客户端4楼2016-05-12 08:57

          IP属地:湖北来自iPhone客户端5楼2016-05-12 12:41

            IP属地:河北来自Android客户端6楼2016-06-28 07:14
              @99080 臭SB 每天AT你10次

              IP属地:安徽7楼2016-09-23 16:15