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【搬运·翻译】汤主lgprca转读者信件 译者:土拨鼠阿拉蕾



1楼2016-04-28 20:56回复
    They don’t owe it to us to come out. That’s their decision to make. And yes I can see how people view our discussions of their possible relationship as being hypocritical. But all we’re discussing is their public interaction. It’s not intrusive, imho.
    As I said, I think they’re pretty much in the glass closet now as a couple. But I don’t know how likely they’re coming out all the way would be.I don’t think either one of them is all that comfortable in the limelight. Some people become actors because they’re hams and they like the fame & attention. Others (like my view of R/L) just like the work, the process, regardless of how much fame or money it brings them. Neither of them seem to chase after media attention. They don’t seem to like doing any more interviews than they have to. They don’t talk much about their private sides in general. So I’m not surprised that they don’t discuss their romantic situation.
    Maybe they’re at their public-exposure comfort level. People are aware of them as a couple, they know of that awareness but they’re OK with it. They’d hide it more otherwise. No public flirting for a start!
    I don’t expect them to make a big public announcement and come out. If anything I think it’s really only a matter of time before one of them slips up and makes some casual mention of “my boyfriend, Richard” or “my partner, Lee.” That sort of thing. They just can’t seem to help themselves, the silly kids.
    And I do think it should be kept in mind that they sexual orientation may have nothing to do with their perceived secrecy. Some straight couples choose to keep things hidden as well. They don’t want the public scrutiny. Why should a gay couple be any different? I think they’re just quietly going about their lives. That’s fine by me. Sure, I’d love to see a picture of them together as much as the next fan, but if not, I’ll deal. I’m perfectly happy with the occasional hints/glimpses that they’re still together.
    Incidentally, I was recently listening to Lee’s Sad Happy Confused podcast, again. At one point, towards the end, Lee is asked about his perfect movie viewing experience. And he talks about seeing a movie in a NY theater where the NY audiences like to critique everything and pull it apart. Whereas his “ENGLISH friends” talk about how “they like this or love that“. I had to laugh. Just like in that Access Hollywood bit where Lee couldn’t help mentioning “OUR Thorin, who’s in London doing a play” (no asked about Richard, Lee!), Lee had to mention his English friends specifically. He just had to go there. LOL. Bless him.
    巧的是,我最近又听了Lee的播客<Sad, Happy, Confused>一遍。接近尾声的时候,Lee被问到了他最完美的观影经历。他说在纽约的戏院看电影的时候纽约客们喜欢批判一切,而他的“英国朋友们”却喜欢说“他们喜欢这个爱那个”。听到这里我忍俊不禁。就像上次圣地亚哥漫展的时候Lee情不自禁的提起:”我们的索林正在伦敦参演一部话剧。“(没有人问你关于Richard的事情啦!Lee)Lee就是一定要明确的提到自己的英国朋友,他就是非这么做不可,哈哈。祝福他。
    I’ve really gotta stop the late night rambles. They do have a tendency to run away with themselves. Don’t feel obligated to post all of this (or indeed any of it, LOL). Just offering my support and 2 cents.

    本楼含有高级字体3楼2016-04-28 21:09

      4楼2016-04-28 21:10
        “,技术不精的地方请多多指教了哦 :-)”这句话不应该变色,我修改了,结果发上来还是这样!

        5楼2016-04-28 21:11

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