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【Hiro】My hero!来自一颗充满怨念的小白菜


好吧 吧里还有人吗 Q-Q
-喜欢hiro跑去看pride的mv,尼玛评论区全是说他gay的 各种'啊!妈妈我的眼睛!'各种'我要把我电脑烧了'等等等等,看得我真心不爽 T-T

来自iPhone客户端1楼2016-03-22 11:33回复
    总之我是各种生气 😠 真是的 他们这么说太过分!

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2016-03-22 11:35

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2016-03-22 11:36
        所以没错 lz我就义正严辞的跑去发评论了 嗯 明天估计是一场大战! 我要喷死你们!!叫你们说hiro坏话!

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2016-03-22 11:37
          Wow...OMG, why everybody hate hiro?! I mean I really really do like him! I think he is smart, he is a good person. Edle rose make him to say that "pride"is his song. He didn't mean to steal it! Hiro has his own difficult,alright?! And his is not gay, I think is just very different between Europe and Asia aesthetic. I mean, I personally like this style of boy. His clothes is not creepy, showing his belly button is only his style, his fan may like it, it may look very sexy. Although this is Japanese anime, if you don't like it , you hate it, you want burn your computer, just go away. Nobody forced you to come here and watch it. Just leave. Sometimes when I look through the comments, I feel really bad for him. Is only his role to play in this anime, and you guys keep say bad things to him. I feel really upset when I read through all those comments. If you do not like my common, say nothing. I just need to give myself more time to be clam down. Have a nice day.love ya! Hiro. Good night!

          来自iPhone客户端5楼2016-03-22 11:38
            没错 说是喷 其实也就是解释+讲道理 这帮人也不知道听不听得进去

            来自iPhone客户端6楼2016-03-22 11:38

              来自iPhone客户端7楼2016-03-22 11:40

                来自iPhone客户端11楼2016-09-01 02:35