parth (India) 12 hrs ago It not about the arms, the very attitude of China is dangerous. It has problem with almost all neighboring countries. They think if Chinese bird sit on some tree then that tree is theirs. They captured Tibbet on such false historical assumptions. I am not sure, if they are thinking all those lands where Chengiz khan put his feet be theirs. you never know. Agree (9)Disagree (3)Recommend (2) 并非武器的问题,而是中国的态度非常危险。他们几乎与所有领国有领土纠纷,认为如果中国人在一些树上停留过,那么这些树就是他们的。他们就是凭借这样的虚假历史依据来夺取XZ。我不确定他们是否会认为成吉思汗涉足过的岛屿都是他们的。很难预料。