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【资料贴】以撒的结合.重生 故事剧情



IP属地:江苏1楼2015-11-09 22:04回复
    Before we move on lets look at one of The Womb bosses, It Lives.
      It Lives is confirmed to be Isaac in the womb. To win, and get to the chest once more, Isaac must defeat himself in the womb. I believe this signifies Isaac hating himself. Wishing himself dead, that he never even existed and wanting to destroy himself in the womb.
      So to elaborate. The chest is Isaacs empty toybox, where he he shuts himself in to escape reality. It is a happy place for him where he doesn't need to worry about what is going on outside. But this lifestyle of shutting himself inside the box every day is not a healthy lifestyle for him mentally or physically. He is living in a state of constant denial of the outside world. Hating himself and everything in the real world. Some of the items even suggest that Isaac has suicidal tendecies.

    IP属地:江苏5楼2015-11-09 22:09
      Isaac vs Himself【以撒VS他自己】
        For the persistent player. You may have reached the Cathedral and has a complete wtf moment when you find that the final boss of the cathedral is non other than isaac himself.

        As you damage Isaac, he goes from being curled up on the floor, to ascending into the light above. I believe this signifies two things. Firstly it signifies Believing himself to be incorrupt of sin and that he will ascend to heaven when he dies. but I also think it is a metaphor for Isaac Isaac ascending from the box to the outside world. When you beat Isaac he is leaving box, and going back up to the light of the world above. We are given a cutscene of Isaac studying the bible after leaving the box.

        After reading through the Bible. Isaac comes to the realization that he he is indeed "corrupted with sin". The real world has hurt him deeply once again. He turns to the box once more to go back to escape reality and his own self whome he hates.

      IP属地:江苏6楼2015-11-09 22:10

        IP属地:江苏8楼2015-11-09 22:11
          @TerrorbladeCD 前排at

          来自iPhone客户端9楼2015-11-10 07:58

            IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端10楼2015-11-20 02:33