It is extremely essential tobe capable of making proper choices in life, especially when we are choosingthe group of friends we wantto associate with and to support and be with forthe rest of our lives. Choosing proper friends is a bit difficult, but notimpossible. We should have a group of friends who are disciplined and punctualindividuals. This is important because we usually find that we start becoming like the people we hang out withmost. If for example one or two of ourclose friends are involved in bad habits such as smoking, drinking and takingdrugs, sooner or later we will follow suit. This is the reason why it isadvisable to make good choices when it comes to making friends. True friendshipis, as a matter of fact, a blessing enjoyed by a few. Those who have it shouldthank God for having true friends in their lives and those who do not have afew good friends should constantly strive for new ways to secure good friends.No company is better than having a friend by your side in times of need. Youwill remain happy in your one room apartment if you are surrounded by yourfriends; on the other hand, you cannot find happiness even in a mansion, if youare alone.