织金三甲吧 关注:136贴子:3,309
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Unit 1
Go on a vacation去度假
Stay at home呆在家
Summer camp夏令营
Anything special任何特别的事(不定代词定语后置)
Anyone interesting任何有趣的事(不定代词定语后置)
Study for tests为考试s做准备
Long time no see很久不见
Quite a few许多(加名词复数)
Quite a little许多(加不可数名词)
Take photos拍照片s
Go shopping去购物
Keep a diary写日记
Arrive in达到(大地方)
Arrive at达到(小地方)
Decide to do sth 决定去做某事
Feel like doing sth感觉喜欢做某事
Feel like sth感觉像某事
Be like像(只性格)
Look like 看起来像(只外表)
Enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事(只接名词或动名词)
Make a difference 产生影响
Too many太多(+复数)
Too much太多(+不可数)
Because of由于,因为(+词语或what。。。)
Enough money足够多的钱(enough用在名前形副后)
Taste good尝起来好(taste,feel, smell,sound, look感官动词+形容词作表语)
Keep doing保持做某事(只接名词或动名词)
In excitement激动地(in+名词相当于副词作状语)
Forget about sth忘记关于某事
Forget to do sth 忘记去做某事
Forget doing sth忘记做了某事
Unit 2
How often多久一次(回答频率)
How much 1多少钱(回答价格)2多少(加不可数名词,回答数量)
How many 多少(加名词复数,回答数目)
How soon 还要多久(回答常用in+一段时间)
How long 多久(回答时间长度)
How far多远(回答距离)
How about =what about doing sth 做某事怎么样?(提建议)
How come为什么
Play tennis打网球(直接加球类)
Play the guitar谈【图片】

来自Android客户端1楼2015-11-08 08:16回复