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Installing the Addon
An Addon consists of a folder full of files. The .zip files you download from the forums each contain a single folder that is the Addon.
To install, download the .zip file and extract it to this location:
If the Addons folder does not exist within the WildStar folder, simply create it by hand. You can do this by right-clicking in the WildStar folder (not on a file) and clicking on New -> Folder. Name the new folder "Addons".
Finding %APPDATA%
WildStar looks in a specific folder on your computer for installed Addons. The location of this folder is determined by the APPDATA environment variable. That means it can be different for every person. Here are a couple of ways to find your APPDATA folder:
1. Open Windows Explorer. This is the Windows file browser (no, not Internet Explorer...). To open it, click the Start button, then click on any one of "Computer", "My Computer", "Documents", etc etc etc. Next, locate the text field at the top of the window that contains the current folder path. In that text box, type "%APPDATA%" without the quotes and press Enter.
2. Type "cmd" into the Start menu search box (Windows 7), or go to Start -> Run... and type "cmd" (Windows XP). When the command prompt appears, type "echo %APPDATA%" without the quotes and press Enter. The path to APPDATA should be printed to the terminal window.
Note that your computer may not have the APPDATA environment variable set, or it could be pointing to the wrong place (although that would be weird and you should probably get that checked out). If both of the above steps don't work for you, here is the typical location of APPDATA:
C:\Users\Your Username Here\AppData\Roaming
Replace "C" with your system drive if you installed Windows on a drive other than C. Replace "Your Username Here" with the name you use to log in to Windows.
Lastly, the AppData folder is hidden by default. To see it, from Windows Explorer, go to Organize -> Folder and Search Options -> View and click on the radio button labeled "Show hidden files, folders, and drives"(Windows 7).
Extra Tips:
To see which Addons are installed in-game, open the Esc menu (by pressing Esc until it appears), then click Addons.
From the same menu, there is a big "Reload UI" button in the bottom-right. This button terminates all Addons and then reloads them from scratch, as if you had exited and restarted WildStar. Do this if you encounter an error, or if you notice your game is running slower and slower over time (memory leak).
User-installed Addons are not loaded by WildStar until you are in-game. Wait until you have logged in and joined a server before looking at the Addons list. It will be empty until then, and that's normal.
Not all Addons will do anything when you first install them. Check the instructions for each Addon to see if you need to enter a slash command, or if the Addon is triggered by some event (such as entering combat).

IP属地:加拿大1楼2015-10-02 15:34回复
    好麻烦的 感觉 。。。。

    2楼2015-10-02 15:38
      我建议必装2个插件 1个是AuraMastery,另一个是VortexMeter.插件设置跟魔兽差不多,具体进游戏设置吧!

      IP属地:重庆3楼2015-10-02 16:13
        http://www.curse.com/ws-addons/wildstar/220014-aura-mastery?page=49这个是AuraMastery,可以设置buff debuff 技能冷却时间 能量数字监控很强大的一个插件,点击页面右边那个 download now 因为是美国网站可能要多等一会.更多插件可以自己去这个网站查询.

        IP属地:重庆4楼2015-10-02 16:23

          IP属地:加拿大5楼2015-10-02 17:12