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Nantong in East China’s Jiangsu province is actively promoting family farms and rural cooperatives to develop its agricultural industries.
With increasing rates of urbanization in the city, more and more farmers have left their land and found jobs in urban areas.
According to a recent survey from the Nantong People’s Congress, the city now has 364,700 hectares of farmland, though nearly 70 percent of the rural labor force hasshifted to non-agricultural industries.
And more than 80 percent of incomes for the rural labor force comes from non-agriculturalIndustries.农民80%以上的收入来自非农产业。
The loss of farmers to other industries has raised concerns among city officials that fewer and fewer people are willing to grow crops in Nantong.
Currently, the city government is prioritizing the regulation of land transfers and promoting family farms as its key tasks this year.目前,“规范引导农村土地流转,培育发展新型农业经营主体”是政府今年的主要任务。
For farmers, a major concern is the issue of land-use rights.
Shao Jinzhi, a 77-year-old farmer in the city’s Zhitian village in Shigang town, said the family’s small parcels of land have become a headache for him.通州区石港镇志田村三组村民邵锦芝今年77岁,年龄渐长,家里的几亩田成了他的烦心事。
“All my children now work in the city,” said Shao, who added he is too old to handle the tiring farm labor on his own. “They can’t help with the plantation or harvest.”
Other farmers in the village, he said, face the same problem.

南通农民用收割机收割稻田Fang Zhiqing, the village’s Party chief, said they are encouraging villagers like Shao to lease their land to others who have the ability to cultivate the land.
“But farmers are reluctant to do so because they are afraid they cannot get their land back, while others fear the land will be wasted once they lease it.”对于土地流转,很多农民有顾虑,有的担心种不好,有的担心田收不回来。
Ding Zhiqiang, a deputy to the Nantong People’s Congress, said the farmers’ worries are justified because of disputes over land-use rights.市人大代表丁志强表示,农民对于土地使用权的担心不无道理。
“A clear land-use right ownership is the precondition for any land transfer,” he said.
Under Chinese law, all land belongs to the country. Farmers have the land-use right,but the land can also be leased to others.依据中国法律,所有土地均属于国家。农民拥有土地使用权,但土地也可以租赁给他人。
Haimen, a county-level city under Nantong, is among the country’s first batch of pilot cities to launch registrations for land-use right ownership.
The Nantong government aims to finish the registration work of its farmland by the end of 2016.
So far, more than 900 villages, or more than 60 percent of all villages in the city, have finished the registration work and villagers have received certificates that give them the right to use their land.
Yao Jie, an official from the agriculture bureau of Haimen, said the certificates could serve as a warranty for farmers.
“Once the ownership is confirmed, the proceeds from the land is decided,” he said.“Thus, farmers can safely lease their land to others.”“明确了土地权属后,土地收益也就确定了。”他说,“这样,老百姓就可以放心地把土地流转出去。”

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