今天充了个超会。。。 ~~~~~~~~~~#♪♛♪#~~~~~~~~~~ Not marble nor the gilded monuments. Of princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme. But you shall shine more bright in these contents. Than unswept stone,besmear'd with sluttish time. (没有云石或王公们金的墓碑, 能够和我这些强劲的诗比寿, 你将永远闪耀于这些诗篇里, 远胜过那被时光涂脏的石头。) ~~~~~~~~~~#♪♛♪#~~~~~~~~~~ ——选自莎士比亚十四行诗
我要水啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~#♪♛♪#~~~~~~~~~~ Not marble nor the gilded monuments. Of princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme. But you shall shine more bright in these contents. Than unswept stone,besmear'd with sluttish time. (没有云石或王公们金的墓碑, 能够和我这些强劲的诗比寿, 你将永远闪耀于这些诗篇里, 远胜过那被时光涂脏的石头。) ~~~~~~~~~~#♪♛♪#~~~~~~~~~~ ——选自莎士比亚十四行诗