纯英语吧 关注:165贴子:876
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um I seriously need some helps...


We are having a debate in our grade, it's about "Should students be required to wear uniforms at school?"
I just finished my research and finished writing the imformation, but I totally don't know how to write the conclusion and the grammar are freaking me out, so plz plz plz help me if some of you can !!!Thx a lot !!!Btw I'm for the topic.
here's the file(not exactly)
1.Uniform means you are a part of a organization.When the kids are wearing school uniforms, they develop a stronger team mentality.And when they are all alike, their all-for-one-and-one-for-all comradely is boosted.
2.Some people believe that school uniform can help students to improve their learning by reducing distraction, sharpening focus on schoolwork and making the classroom a more serious environment, allowing students to perform better academically.
3.In America, a majority of schools do not have a uniform, according to research roughly about 160,000 students miss school everyday due to the fear of discrimination from other students, the violences are going on everyday in the school, for example bullies, gangs, the richer girls beating the poorer up.
4.Money and Time wasting, that means every morning there will be a “Fashion Show”happen right in your room.According to research, a girl won’t wear the same clothes if she already wore it once to the people she knows.A mum has said that “My son (12) is always complaining about the new shoe or cloth piece, it(school uniform)would make everyone that has this problem a whole lot easier.”
5.Dress code control, a school that doesn’t have a school uniform always have to make rules about what should the kids wear and what should not, the school uniform made the school a lot easier to control the kid’s daily clothes.

1楼2015-05-14 19:07回复
    Are you Hedy

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-05-17 22:37