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IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-05-06 22:15回复
    "Working together in the New Year to grow our economy and shrink our deficits(January 5, 2013)"
    Hi,everybody. Over the past year, as I traveled across the country, campaigning for this office, I told you that if I was fortunate enough to be re-elected, I'd work to change a tax code that too often benefited the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. This week, we did that. For the first time in two decades, we raised taxes on the wealthiest 2% of Americans in a bipartisan way while preventing a mid-class tax hike提高拉起 that could have thrown our economy back~into recession衰退不景气萧条. Under this law, more than 98% of Americans and 97% of small businesses will not see their income taxes go up one dime. We also made sure that millions of families will continue to receive tax credits税收减免,(credit信用,工作人员) to help raise their children and send them to college. Companies will continue to receive tax credits for the research they do, the investments that they make, and the clean~energy jobs that they create. And two million Americans who are out of work will continue to receive unemployment benefits so long as they're actively looking for a job. But all this was just one step in the broader effort to grow our economy and shrink our deficits. We still need to do more to put Americans back to work while also putting this country on a path to pay down its debt. And our economy can't afford more PROTRACTED/pro/,/pr3/旷日持久,拖延的 showdowns or manufactured制造的,已制成的crises along the way. Because even as our businesses created two million new jobs last year, including a hundred and 68000 new jobs last month. The messy BRINK(s)MANSHIP边缘政策 in Congress made business owners more uncertain不确定迟疑不决 and consumers less confident. We know there's path forward. Last year I signed into law 1.7 trillion dollars in deficit reduction. This week's action further reduces the deficit by $ 737 billion dollars, making it one of the largest deficit reduction bills议案法案 passed by Congress in over a decade. And I'm willing to do more. I believe we can find more places to cut spending without shortchanging~things like education, job training, research研发 and technology, all which are critical至关重要关键的 to our prosperity in a 21st century economy. But spending cuts must be balanced with more reforms to our tax code税法,免税代码. The wealthiest individuals and the biggest corporations shouldn't be able to take advantages of LOOPHOLES漏洞 and deductions扣除减免 that aren't available to most Americans. As I said earlier this week, one thing I will not compromise over is whether or not Congress should pay the tab账单制表标签 for a bill they've already RACKED?? up积累起来. If Congress refuses to give the United States the ability to pay its bills on time, the consequences for the entire global economy could be catastrophic. The last time Congress threatened恐吓?预示? this course过程? of action, our entire economy suffered for it. Our families and our businesses cannot afford that dangerous game again.
    I congratulate the newly sworn-in(宣誓就职) Members of Congress and I look forward to working with the new Congress in a bipartisan两党连立的 way. We focus on the interests of our country above the interests of party. I'm convinced we can cut spending and raise revenue 税收in a manner that reduces our deficit and protects the middle class. And we can step up to meet the important business that awaits us this year. Creating jobs and boosting incomes, fixing our INFRASTRUCTURE基础设施公共建设 and our immigration system. Promoting our energy independence while protecting our planet from the harmful effects影响效果作用 of climate change, educating our children and shielding them from the horrors of gun violence. These aren't just things we should do, they're things we must do. And in this New Year, I'll fight as hard as I know how to get them done.
    Happy New Year everybody!

    IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-05-06 22:20
      HELLO*2...HAHA...谢谢......Hi, thank u, thank u...Thank u, Plena, thank u, June. Thank u, Peishan...for helping to set these up. Thank u all for being here today...And the latecomers as well. Thank u for coming in quietly. I wanna start off today just to take a moment of silence for the victims of the Sichuan Earthquake. And also for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. So let's just take a minute to pay our respect to that......Thank u. (APPLAUSE) I never thought I would be addressing访问 u, the esteemed受人尊敬的 members of the Oxford Union. Without a guitar or an Erhu. Without my crazy stage hair, costumes. But I did perform in the O2 arena舞台竞技场 in London last week. I'm not sure if any of u were able to make that. But in many ways that was similar to what I'm talking about today, that is introducing Chinese pop music to u. See, I'm actually an ambassador for Chinese pop, whether I like it or not, both music and movies. And today, I'm here to give u the State of Union address演说. It's not the Oxford Union. It's the union of east and west. I wanna frankly, openly and honestly talk about how we've done a good job or how we've done a bad job of bringing Chinese pop to the west. And I also want to impress upon all of u here today the importance of that soft power exchange, and how each of us is involved in that exchange. Soft power, a term I'm sure u r all familiar with at this point, coined杜撰创造 by Rhodes Scholar and Oxford alumnus(3lAmn3s男校友) Joesph Nye is defined as the ability to attract and persuade. Shashi Tharoor called it in a recent TED talk, the ability for a culture to tell a compelling(引人注目.激发兴趣的) story and influence others to falling love with this. I like that definition. But I want to put it in a collegiate(k3'lidgi3t) term for all of u students in the audience; the way I see it. East and West are kinda like freshmen roommates. U don't know a lot about each other but suddenly u r living together in the same room and each one is scared that the other's gonna steal his shower time or wants to party when the other one wants to study. It has the potential to be absolutely hell, doesn't it? We've all had horror stories of THAT roommate. We've all heard about those stories. I know a lot of students here in Oxford have ur own separate bedrooms. (1)

      IP属地:浙江来自抱抱配图5楼2015-05-06 22:39
        先这么多..its a big fat claim~and I'm gonna back it up[GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

        IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端6楼2015-05-06 22:45
          Leehom演讲part 2
          But when I was a freshman at Williams College. I was not safe and fortunate...U r kidding me! Woo-hoo! All right, all right. Great! Well I had a roommate and he was THAT roommate. Let's just call him Frank. So Frank was my roommate and Frank like nothing more than to smoke weed. And he did it every day. And Frank had a two-foot-long bong under his bed that was constantly being fired up. For those Chinese speakers in the audience, Frank would 火力全开 on that bong every day. All right. So I guess I was kinda the opposite of Bill Clinton who "tried marijuana(maer3'wan3) but didn't inhale(breathe in呼吸入,上瘾)." See, I didn't try marijuana but I did inhale, every single day, second-hand. And strangely enough, every time I go into our bedroom, I mysteriously ended up being late for class. I don't know how it happened. It was like...dude, is it already 10 o'clock? So how many of u have lived with the Frank or could be a Frankget? Having a roommate could be a recipe(处方秘诀) for disaster, but it also has a potential for being the greatest friendship u've ever had. See, Frank, he didn't make it the second year. And I got two new roommates the second year: Stefan and Jason, and in this day the three of us are the best friends. So going back to my analogy(3nael3dgi类比类推类似) of East and West as roommates, do we want to be Frank, or do we wanna be Stefan and Jason? And I think in this day and age in 2013, we should all be striving for(努力斗争) the latter. Shouldn't we? I mean...I'm assuming that we all agree that this is the goal we should all be striving for. Now let's look at where we are in reality. Recently headlines, in the media, include, Foreign Policy Magazine: China's Victim Complex受害者情节?: Why are Chinese leaders so paranoid(偏执,狂的) about the United States, or the AFP, the Agence France Press: Human Rights in China Worsening, U.S finds. Bloomberg says, on the cover of its magazine, Yes, the Chinese Army is spying on U. And it's such a great...such a great one that I just want to show u the cover of the magazine. Yes, be very afraid! Ok, is it shown to u right?

          IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端7楼2015-06-18 13:20

            IP属地:新疆来自iPhone客户端8楼2015-08-09 14:25