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【挖大坑】纯翻译 Payday 2最佳武器配置


The original guide is provided by KarateF22 at Payday 2 Steam community at http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=251751235. I agreed with KarateF22 not to change build in the translation. If you have any concerns about the build,feel free to talk with me and I would happily forward your conerns to KarateF22.
本文原版由KarateF22发表在Payday2 Steam 社区. 链接地址:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=251751235. 我与KarateF22达成协议,在翻译过程中不修改任何武器搭配。如果你对本文提到的武器配置有疑问,欢迎与我讨论,并且我乐意把你的问题转发给KarateF22.

1楼2015-01-30 03:47回复

    来自Android客户端3楼2015-01-30 04:04

      来自Android客户端4楼2015-01-30 04:14
        除此之外,主手非HE/AP霰弹枪中的王者是Raven,其实应该说主手Raven和副手Loco几乎可以并列为霰弹枪之王,raven由于可以把精准改得更低,所以有更大的散布面,而且主手装000不会受到额外的拾取惩罚(虽说FL ace还是废了),弹丸数少1,射速降低一些,威力提升,触发overkill技能后确认击杀效果更好

        IP属地:河北5楼2015-01-30 04:59
          CAR-4: 开镜1.0, 开镜移动2.0, 腰射3.5, 垂直后座 0.6– 0.8, 水平后座: -1 – 1
          Maximum Loud 最强突突
          伤害: 40 (42), 准度: 18, 稳定:25, 威胁: 20, 弹夹: 60
          - Long Barrel
          - Competitor's Compensator
          - Gazelle Rail
          - Military Laser Module
          - Pro Grip / Rubber Grip
          - CAR Quadstacked Mag
          - 任何一款准镜
          - War-torn Stock
          - Exotique Receiver
          This is arguably the most well balanced loudweapon in the game, it has basically no weaknesses and is good in every scenario.Once you have the headshot damage bonus this is really the only weapon you willever need on Overkill.
          Commando 553
          开镜: 1.0, 开镜移动: 2.0, 腰射:2.8, 垂直后座: 0.6 – 0.8, 水平后座: -1 -- 1
          Maximum Loud 最强突突
          伤害:40(42), 准度: 18, 稳定: 25, 威胁: 24
          - Long Barrel
          - Fire Breather Nozzle
          - Auto Fire
          - Enhanced Foregrip
          - Military Laser Module
          - Enhanced Grip
          - 任何你喜欢的准镜
          - War-Torn Stock
          This build is mostly inferior to the CAR-4'smaximum loud build, but does come out on top in two categories: Hip-fireaccuracy and Rate of Fire. If you can properly use those two attributes to youradvantage you may almost be able to make up for the 30 less rounds in your magazine(but not really). All-in-all this is a moderately less optimal variant of theCAR-4 for SG553 enthusiasts, but there are a couple redeeming features andqualities that just barely warrant this weapon getting its own build.
          开镜: 1.0, 开镜移动: 2.0, 站定腰射:1.75, 蹲伏腰射: 2.1, 腰射移动: 2.1, 腰射蹲伏移动: 2.45,垂直后座:1.0, 水平后座:-1 -- 1
          Maximum Loud 最强突突
          伤害:40(42), 准度: 16, 稳定:22, 威胁: 20
          - Short Barrel
          - Competitor's Compensator
          - Auto Fire
          - Military Laser Module
          - G2 Grip
          - 任何你喜欢的准镜
          At a glance this seems almost completelyinferior to the CAR-4 Maximum Loud build, and for general use this is prettymuch true. However, a couple things prevent this weapon from being completelyobsoleted. The most obvious is its astounding 1000 RoF; this RoF grants itnearly twice as much burst DPS as the CAR-4, making this an excellent choice forclose to mid range skirmishes with small groups. This weapon also has superiorhip-fire, almost entirely negating the loss of two accuracy in comparison tothe CAR-4. With these two factors, the Clarion is just usable enough tomatter... just watch for Tazers.
          乍看之下,这把枪基本上被CAR-4的最强突突配置完全秒杀,通常使用中也差不多是这么一回事。但这把枪的一系列特性让它占有一席之地。最明显的是它的1000射速。这个射速让它几乎可以打出CAR-4的两倍瞬时爆发伤害。这使得Clarion成为中近距离对抗一小波条子的上佳选择。这把枪同时拥有极高的腰射准度,几乎抵消了它与CAR-4的2点准度准度差距. 有这两点,Clarion足够立足了。只是... 注意电击兵。
          Gecko 7.62
          开镜: 1.0, 开镜移动: 2.0, 站定腰射:1.75, 蹲伏腰射:2.1, 腰射移动: 2., 腰射蹲伏移动: 2.45, 垂直后座: 06 – 0.8, 水平后座:-1 -- 1
          Maximum Loud 最强突突
          伤害:40(42) , 准度: 18, 稳定:24, 威胁: 37
          - Sniper Foregrip
          - Fire Breather Nozzle
          - Military Laser Module
          - 任何你喜欢的准镜
          - Wooden Stock
          This weapon's advantage falls under howinsanely accurate it is while hip-firing. Similarly to the Clarion it has a standing-moving hip-fire multiplier of2.1, but unlike the Clarion is has perfect Accuracy and near-perfect Stabilityas well as the ability to select fire. It does lose a bit of ammo efficiencyand a lot of magazine size when put next to the CAR-4, but for those who loveto hip-fire at units across the map this can be a solid choice. If you want toget that last point of stability you can swap the Fire Breather for a Competitor'sCompensator + Auto Fire combo, but you lose some Threat and the ability toselect fire.

          6楼2015-01-30 05:05

            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端7楼2015-01-30 08:07

              IP属地:上海8楼2015-01-30 13:13

                IP属地:四川9楼2015-01-30 18:52

                  IP属地:辽宁10楼2015-01-30 19:01

                    来自Android客户端11楼2015-01-30 22:23
                      这个必须支持啊 当然仅供参考 欢迎讨论不同方案

                      IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端12楼2015-01-31 02:09

                        IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端14楼2015-01-31 23:24

                          IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端15楼2015-02-01 09:35
                            IZHMA 12是传说中的Bulldozer Build的主要武器,很讽刺的是黑熊的武器也是它。

                            IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端16楼2015-02-02 00:08

                              来自手机贴吧17楼2015-02-02 00:11