6) Turn off the tablet(Venue 7 3740/Venue 8 3840)

7) Click “Begin Download” button(点Begin Download按钮)
8) Plug in the USB cable(将平板接入电脑)
9) If it’s your first time to connect the tablet to PC, it’ll need some time to recognize the
driver. After driver installation automatically, go to steps 5 again.

10) The flashing tool pops up the dialog as below, press “OK”.

11)When firmware flash is done, Flash Tool will show Success: FW+OS Download

12) Reboot the tablet and press power+volumn down button to enter fastboot mode. It
means fastboot mode is enabled successfully.
重启平板,按着电源+音量减就可以进入fastboot mode,出现如下图就说明你已经成功了