Born in Weston-super-Mare, Rupert Graves, 51, starred in the films A Room With A View, Maurice and A Handful Of Dust. In 1996 he won the best actor award at the Montreal Film Festival for his role in , he starred with Julie Walters in Intimate Relations. He plays DI Lestrade in the BBC1 series Sherlock and is in the new BBC series of Last Tango In Halifax. He lives in London with his wife and five children. 这个就不多说了大家都了解应该。【事业有成,老婆孩子热炕头的中年帅大叔RG
When were you happiest? When I am completely absorbed in something, such as when I pick up my guitar and have a little sing. 你最开心的是什么时候? 当我全身心投入某些事的时候,比如当我抱着吉他哼点小歌的时候。【真的一直好想看看这副光景TUT想想就美哭了 What is your greatest fear? Dying. 你最恐惧什么? 死亡。 What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Bitterness – I have a lot of bad traits, but that one springs to mind. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Meanness of spirit and pocket. Property aside, what’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought? A VW van for getting my kids around. 你买过最贵的东西是什么? 一辆能载着娃们一起的大众面包车。【我觉得叔真的很朴实,不那么追求物质的享受吧 What would your super power be? Shapeshifting. 你的超能力会是什么? 变形。 What makes you unhappy? Seeing people’s confidence being drained, and bullying. 什么会使你不开心? 看见人丧失信心和恃强凌弱。 What do you most dislike about your appearance? My right leg has been wrong since birth. You should see me running. 对于你的外貌你最不喜欢哪里? 我的右腿,生下来就有问题。你可以看看我跑步的样子。【这里有点小惊讶。毕竟叔演了那么多剧,有裸的露腿的,跑起来的时候也很多,但是真没看出来什么?