Two Mamelukes would keep three Frenchmen at bay because they are better armed, better mounted, better drilled, and have two pairs of pistols, a blunderbuss, a carbine, a helmet with visor, a coat of mail, several horses, and several footmen to serve them. But 100 French cavalry need not fear 100 Mamelukes, 300 would not fear 400 Mamelukes, 600 would not fear 900, and ten squadrons would put 2,000 Mamelukes to flight—such is the controlling influence of tactics, formation, and of the drill evolutions!
[In Egypt] the cavalry generals Murat, Lasalle, and Leclerc appeared before the Mamelukes in three lines and a reserve; just as the first line was at the verge of being outflanked the second moved forward by squadron to the right and to the left into line. The Mamelukes stopped abruptly to outflank this second line, which, as soon as it was extended by the third, charged them. They could not stand up against the shock and they dispersed.