Define alliteration and provide expample:
A repetition of initial consonant sounds of words close to each other
A language techniques we use to repeat the initial consonant sounds of words close to each other.
A repetition of the final vowel or consonant sounds of world.
A language techniques we use to repeat the final vowel or consonant sounds of words.
An image that make a comparison inderectly and implicitly by suggesting an equivalence between two things.
An image that make a comparison indirectly and implicitly by suggesting an equivalence between two things.
A language technique that we use to compare the similarities between two things indirectly and implicitly.
A langauge technique that we use to compare the similarities between two things indirectly and implicitly.
An image that make a comparison directly and explicilty withe the use of like or as by suggesting an equvalence between tweo things.
An IMAGE that make a comparison directly and explicitly with the use of like or as by suggesting an equivalence between two things.
A language technique that we use to compare the similarities between two things directly and explicitly. W euse words such as like or as to make the comparison.
A language techinique that we use th compare the similarities between two things directly and explicitly. We use words such as like or as to make the comparison.
Climax Triad:
A LANGUAGE TECHNIQUE that we string three parallel words, phrases, clauses or sentences together in a rapid sequence in order to build a climax on the third member of the triad. It is also the moment to elicit applause or other responses.
a LANGUAGE TECHNIQUE that we string 3 parallel words, phrases, clauses, sentences together in a rapid sequence in order to build a climax on the 3rd member of the triad. I t is also the moment to elicit applause or other responses.
Bigger snacks mean bigger slacks.
One small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind
-Simple contrast
A language technique that we put two facts together in order to show the difference betwwen them. We do so without the use of any negative particles and with the repetition of the samke key word(S) in both halves of the sentence.好长啊
A language technique that we put two facts together in order to show the difference between them without use any negative particles and with the repetition of the same key word(S) in both halves of the sentence.
A language technique we put two facts together in order to show the diffencet between them without use any nagative particles and with repetition of samekey word in both halve of sentence
A language technique that we put two facts together in order to show the differnece between them without use any negative particles and with the repetition of the same key word(s) in bothe halve of the sentence.
I dont like Reggae; I love it
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
A language technique that we put two opposing ideas together with the use of negative particles such as no or not.
A language technique that we put two opposing ideas together with the use of negative particles such as no or not.
A language techinique that we put two opposing ideas togheher with the use of negative particles such as no or not.
A language technique that we put two opposing ideas together with the use of negative particles such as no or not
A language technique that we put two opposing ideas together with the use of negative particles such as no or not.