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「摘星小筑」复习个5%的PS TEST真心累



1楼2014-11-17 02:08回复
    Chapter 8:
    1. Brief definition of seven genaral (primary forms of) supporting materials
    An explanation of the meaning of a word
    The instance that presented as a representative case of some more general group as a whole
    Narratves to illustrate a general point, with rising, culminating and resolving actions; human personality, human motivation and human triumph or failure (good or bad consequence)
    numeraically formulated facts
    A statement made by others that the speaker uses to support the point
    To describe means to create a mental picture of some place, objects or process through the words the speaker uses
    (7)comparisons and contrasts
    To build mental bridges between ideas audience already understands and the new ideas and information that speaker is trying to explain.

    2楼2014-11-17 02:16
      definition-An explanation of the meaning of a word
      example-The instance presented as a representative case of some more general group as a whole
      stories-Narratives to illustrate a general point with rising, culminating and resolving actions; human personality, human motivations and human triumph and failures (good and bad consequence)
      quotation-A statement made by others that you use to support the point
      statistics-Numerically formulated facts
      description-To describe means to create a mental picture of some place, objects or a process through the words you use
      comparisons and contrasts-To build mental bridges between ideas that already understands by audience and the new ideas and information that you are trying to explain (take advantage of what the audience already know)

      3楼2014-11-17 02:20
        For definition:
        1.Difference between "differentiation and classification" and "example":
        -Defining by differentiation and classification has 3 steps:
        Mention the word -- identify a general class (分类) -- distinguish particular intension from other words of this class by specific attributes and key features
        -Defining by example is to give a specific extension to sharpen understanding of the intension of word.
        ∴ Difference:
        Defining by differentiation and classification is to define by the word*s intension, while defining by examples is to define by a specific instance of the word*s extension.
        --Meaning of intension and extension:
        Intension: A list of attributes that control the proper use of a word to name a category
        Extension: Including any examples of what hte word refers to
        2.Difference between "differentiation and classification" and "sytonym":
        -Defining by differentiation and classification has 3 steps:
        Mention the word -- identify a general class (分类)-- distinguish particular intension from other words of this class by specific attributes and key features
        -Defining by sytonym:
        (Two words having essentially the same meaning called synonym.)
        Using the familiar sytonym to understand the unfamiliar word
        ∴ Difference:
        Defining by Differentiation and Classification need 3 steps to descripe while sytonym takes advantage of the understood words.

        4楼2014-11-17 02:33
          Definition is the most difficult part of the chapter. The significant concept you need to understand:
          1. Classification and Differentiation:
          Mention the word
          Identify a general class of concepts into which the word fits.
          Distinguish the word*s particular intension from the intension of any other members of the class by indentifying the specific attributes that characterize it, using as many key features as it takes to specify the menaning of the word.
          An specific instance of the word*s extensino
          A list of attributes to control the proper use of the word to name a catogery
          Inclunding any examples of what the word refers to

          5楼2014-11-17 02:39
            A statement we can find in a dictionary that helps describe the characteristics of a word (that represents a thing or a concept). This statement is abstract because it is based on language descriptions only.
            When creating such statementt, two processes work hand in hand (as a pair)
            put a word into class or category
            However, there are many diffenrent types and menbers in such class or category
            A process to distinguish the word by attributes and key features

            6楼2014-11-17 02:43
              tell us how a word functions in the real world or how a word represents a thing in the real world
              tell us how a word functions in the real world or how a word represents a thing in the real world
              tell us how a word functions in the real world or how a word represents a thing in the real world

              7楼2014-11-17 02:46
                Rhetorical Question: A question requiring a covert mental response, but no overt behavioral response.反问
                Example:The answer can be usually annoying, right?
                Credibility: The quality that sb./sth. has that makes people believe or trust them
                Example: Plagiarism can seriously undermine the credibility of your speech.
                Goodwill Bond: The goal of establishing a positive relationship between speaker and audience has been givin a variety of names, one is goodwill bond. It has some synonyms such as comon ground.
                Example : So do I
                A way of pointing out similarities between the topic of your speech and sth else with which your audience is presumably already familiar.
                Call to action:
                provide a special opportunity to invite people to act

                8楼2014-11-17 02:55
                  Principles of using Statistics
                  -Using fairly
                  -Reveal who generate the statistics
                  -Explain which type of average you are using : mean average/ median average/ modal average
                  -Extrapolate trends reasonably: Extrapolation is the process that a person uses the past events to predict what will happen in the future. However, past result cannot guarantee the future performance.
                  -Interpret Statistics for your audience by verbal extrapolation or commonsense comparison
                  -Chain a series of statistics together
                  -visualize statistics
                  Principles of statistics
                  -Using statistics fairly
                  -Reveal who generate statistics
                  -Explain which type of average you are using: Mean/Median/Modal
                  -Extrapolate trends reasonably: Extrapolation is the process that a person uses the past events to predict what will happen in the future . However, past result cannot guarantee the future performace.
                  -interpret statistics by verbal extrapolation or commonsense comparison
                  -Chain a series of statistics together

                  9楼2014-11-17 03:04
                    3 Types of Quotations:
                    -Quoting an expert
                    -Quoting from someone who has artistically captured your theme in a pithy phrase that epitomize the point you want to make。我去这句好难- -
                    -Quoting a popular maxim, famous literary saying or popular cultural expression
                    -Quoting an expert
                    (establish credibility)
                    -Quoting from sb. who has artistically captured your theme in a pithy phrase that epitomize the point you wantto make.
                    (launch the point with imaginative power)
                    -Quoting a popular maxim, famous literary saying or popular cultural expression.
                    (capture attention, direct towards point)
                    -Quoting expert ------establish credibility
                    -Quoting from sb. has artistically captured your theme in a pithy phrases that epitomize the point -----launch point with imginative power
                    -Quoting maxim, literary saying, cultural expression- capture attention, direct towards the point

                    10楼2014-11-17 03:09
                      5 Types of narrative:
                      -first person narrative:
                      The most compelling because you are the central character and the story happens to you
                      -Third-person narrative:
                      ITS like personal anecdote except that the central character is someone other than yourself
                      -Fictional narrative:
                      Made up.
                      A composite sketch designed to be a typical story
                      -Humorous narrative:
                      Attempt to induce the audience to laugh
                      Punch line.
                      do with the point!
                      -Historical narrative:
                      Helping establish a context for a contemporary speech on the same project.

                      11楼2014-11-17 03:13
                        Chapter 9 Language techniques
                        1. Repetition-based
                        Alliteration- repetition of the initial sounds of words
                        Rhyme- repetition of the final vowel and consonant sounds of words
                        eg. Might Right
                        Assonance- repetition of the central vowel sounds in successive or nearby words
                        eg. Holy Roman Empire
                        Out of sight, out of mind
                        Right to life
                        Repetition of words and phrases
                        Repetition of grammatical pattern:
                        -Parallel structure
                        -Simple contrasts
                        Correlative conjunctions
                        Climaxing Triads
                        2. Image -based
                        Similes: like and as
                        Sensory images
                        Sensory descriptions
                        Archetypal images
                        后面的几乎解释无能- -

                        12楼2014-11-17 03:22
                          Define alliteration and provide expample:
                          A repetition of initial consonant sounds of words close to each other
                          A language techniques we use to repeat the initial consonant sounds of words close to each other.
                          A repetition of the final vowel or consonant sounds of world.
                          A language techniques we use to repeat the final vowel or consonant sounds of words.
                          An image that make a comparison inderectly and implicitly by suggesting an equivalence between two things.
                          An image that make a comparison indirectly and implicitly by suggesting an equivalence between two things.
                          A language technique that we use to compare the similarities between two things indirectly and implicitly.
                          A langauge technique that we use to compare the similarities between two things indirectly and implicitly.
                          An image that make a comparison directly and explicilty withe the use of like or as by suggesting an equvalence between tweo things.
                          An IMAGE that make a comparison directly and explicitly with the use of like or as by suggesting an equivalence between two things.
                          A language technique that we use to compare the similarities between two things directly and explicitly. W euse words such as like or as to make the comparison.
                          A language techinique that we use th compare the similarities between two things directly and explicitly. We use words such as like or as to make the comparison.
                          Climax Triad:
                          A LANGUAGE TECHNIQUE that we string three parallel words, phrases, clauses or sentences together in a rapid sequence in order to build a climax on the third member of the triad. It is also the moment to elicit applause or other responses.
                          a LANGUAGE TECHNIQUE that we string 3 parallel words, phrases, clauses, sentences together in a rapid sequence in order to build a climax on the 3rd member of the triad. I t is also the moment to elicit applause or other responses.
                          Bigger snacks mean bigger slacks.
                          One small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind
                          -Simple contrast
                          A language technique that we put two facts together in order to show the difference betwwen them. We do so without the use of any negative particles and with the repetition of the samke key word(S) in both halves of the sentence.好长啊
                          A language technique that we put two facts together in order to show the difference between them without use any negative particles and with the repetition of the same key word(S) in both halves of the sentence.
                          A language technique we put two facts together in order to show the diffencet between them without use any nagative particles and with repetition of samekey word in both halve of sentence
                          A language technique that we put two facts together in order to show the differnece between them without use any negative particles and with the repetition of the same key word(s) in bothe halve of the sentence.
                          I dont like Reggae; I love it
                          Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
                          A language technique that we put two opposing ideas together with the use of negative particles such as no or not.
                          A language technique that we put two opposing ideas together with the use of negative particles such as no or not.
                          A language techinique that we put two opposing ideas togheher with the use of negative particles such as no or not.
                          A language technique that we put two opposing ideas together with the use of negative particles such as no or not
                          A language technique that we put two opposing ideas together with the use of negative particles such as no or not.

                          13楼2014-11-17 03:41
                            Archetypal image:这玩意叫原型意象你造吗我可以放弃吗中文都不能具体阐述好吗
                            A collectively inherited unconscious idea that is universally present in everyone*s mind
                            Archetypal image
                            A collectively inherited unconscious idea that is universally present in everyone*s mind
                            A collectively inherited unconscious idea that is universally present in everyone*s mind
                            A collectively inherited unconscious idea that is universally present in everyone*s mind

                            14楼2014-11-17 03:43
                              An idea reffering to another person or subject in an indirect way.
                              An idea reffering to another person or subject in an indirect way.
                              An idea reffering to another person or subject in an indirect way.

                              15楼2014-11-17 03:45