Cory Barkman gives tired objects a second chance by repurposing them as curious pieces of furniture, with a modern yet gothic edge. To make the pieces, Barkman reclaims old pieces of machinery that have fallen to disuse, and refashions them into everything from lamps to dining room tables. With so many items discarded at the end of their lifespan, Barkman believes that by reusing old objects, you only promote their endurance.
Cory Barkman让古老乏味的东西得到重生机会,将它们重塑成稀奇古怪的家具,纵有时代气息,仍不乏哥德式的味道。Barkman收集了古老报废的机器,将它们重塑成枱灯、餐桌等,包罗万有。很多东西寿命既尽就会遭到遗弃,Barkman相信,将旧东西重用,可令它们的生命延续。(via 奥德赛公会 kongmingho)