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楼主就遇到过这样的奇葩文书题目,那一刻 简直是内牛满面~
  跟着我大声说:This is where I come from!
Describe the world you come from; for example, your family,clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations? (200-250 words)
Tell us about the most significant challenge you*ve faced or something important that didn*t go according to plan. How did you manage the situation? (200-250 words)

1楼2014-09-25 15:09回复
      Imagine you are a professor, charged with teaching a new course. Emory University offers over 1,000 courses in a wide range of academic subjects. You are free to choose whatever subject you want. What class would you create? What would you hope students would leave your class having learned? (Don’t forget to include your class title!) (250 word limit)

    4楼2014-09-25 15:10
        弗吉尼亚大学被誉为大众情人校,因为其EA阶段的申请人数量庞大,在中国地区的招生也较为宽松,但UVA的文书看上去也不是那么容易搞定哦。第一个题目就有点让人云里雾里,2006年一位名为Robert Stilling的研究生在UVA的一所图书馆发现了著名诗人罗伯特福斯特的一篇未发表的诗歌,那你的Stilling时刻是在什么时候呢?
        第三题则更加无厘头,将莎士比亚的名句To be or not to be改为To tweet or not to tweet?可中国申请者根本就Tweet不了啊!
        In 2006, graduate student Robert Stilling discovered an unpublished poem by Robert Frost while doing research in U.Va.’s Small Collections Library. Where will your Stilling moment be in college?We are a community with quirks, both in language (we’ll welcome you to Grounds, not campus) and in traditions. Describe one of your quirks and why it is part of who you are. To tweet or not to tweet?

      5楼2014-09-25 15:34
          Wake Forest University
          1. What outrages you? What are you doing about it?Tell us about a time when you stepped up against an outrage in your community.(150 words maximum)
          2. Give us your top ten list. (300 words maximum)
          3. Some say social media is superficial, with no room for expressing deep or complex ideas. We challenge you to defy these skeptics by describing yourself as fully and accurately as possible in the 140-character limit of a tweet.
          4. Research shows that members of Generation Y (16-24year olds) are more tolerant of difference than were previous generations at this age - but also less likely to form close bonds with those of different demographic or socioeconomic backgrounds. How have you personally disproved this generalization?(300 words maximum)
          5. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "If I know your sect, I anticipate your argument." Describe a time when your argument challenged a basic belief or viewpoint of your "sect. (150words maximum)

        6楼2014-09-25 15:34

          来自Android客户端8楼2014-09-25 17:08
              塔夫茨大学不仅在文书内容上推陈出新,还在形式上给学生更多空间。申请者可以通过散文、视频、电子文件等来回答该问题“如果你不讲述真实的自己,你也不能认识其他的人”。第四题用口号式的方式要求申请者:大大方方得向我们展示你书呆子的一面吧!中国学生会不会见到这一题之后喜大普奔呢?塔夫茨不仅有书呆子的一面哦,被华盛顿邮报评为2013年最讨厌的缩写词:YOLO(You only live once你只会活一次)也成了文书题目,你是如何看待这句带有及时行乐意味的流行语呢?
              A) “If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people,” Virginia Woolf. Respond to Woolf’s quote in the medium of your choice: prose, video (one minute),blog, digital portfolio, slam poetry.... For media other than writing, please share a link (video can be submitted via YouTube but were commend using a privacy setting) that is easily accessible.
              B) What makes you happy?
              C) Sports, science and society are filled with rules,theories and laws like the Ninth Commandment, PV=n RT, Occam’s Razor, and The Law of Diminishing Returns. Three strikes and you’re out. “I”before “E” except after “C.” Warm air rises. Pick one and explain its significance to you.
              D) Celebrate your nerdy side.
              E) The ancient Romans started it when they coined the phrase"Carpe diem." Jonathan Larson proclaimed "No day but today!" and most recently, Drake explained You Only Live Once(YOLO). Have you ever seized the day? Lived like there was no tomorrow? Or perhaps you plan to shout YOLO while jumping into something in the future. What does #YOLO mean to you?

            9楼2014-09-25 17:11
                Most of us have one or more personality quirks. Explain one of yours and what it says about you. What do you hope to find over the rainbow? Why do you do what you do? If you could travel anywhere in time or space, either real or imagined, where would you go and why? Tell us about a time when your curiosity led you someplace you weren’t expecting to go. My theme song: Best thing since sliced bread: My most treasured possession: Super power I’d most like to have: Gadget that needs inventing: Biggest little worry:

              10楼2014-09-25 17:23
                  Boston College
                  From David McCullough*s recent commencement address at BC:“Facts alone are never enough. Facts rarely if ever have any soul.In writing or trying to understand history one may have all manner of *data,* and miss the point. One can have all the facts and miss the truth. It can be like the old piano teacher*s lament to her student, *I hear all the notes, but I hear no music.” Tell us about a time you had all of the facts but missed the meaning.In his novel, Let the Great World Spin, Colum McCann writes:“We seldom know what we*re hearing when we hear something for the first time, but one thing is certain: we hear it as we will never hear it again. Were turn to the moment to experience it, I suppose,but we can never really find it, only its memory, the faintest imprint of what it really was, what it meant。” Tell us about something you heard or experienced for the first time and how the years since have affected your perception of t

                11楼2014-09-25 17:23

                  来自Android客户端13楼2014-11-30 22:07

                    来自手机贴吧15楼2014-12-01 17:29