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“根据位于贝塞斯达的National Institutes of Health(NIH,国家卫生研究院)于周一公布的一项新的研究,在连续的25年中,狼的暴力袭击仍旧是美国公民的主要死亡原因之一。”

IP属地:英国本楼含有高级字体1楼2014-08-24 15:14回复
    BETHESDA, MD—According to a new study released Monday by the National Institutes of Health, for the 25th straight year, violent wolf attacks remain the leading cause of death in the United States.
    根据位于贝塞斯达的National Institutes of Health(NIH,国家卫生研究院)于周一公布的一项新的研究,在连续的25年中,狼的暴力袭击仍旧是美国公民的主要死亡原因之一。

    IP属地:英国2楼2014-08-24 15:15

      Doctors say 1 in 3 Americans will suffer a wolf attack at some point in their lives.

      IP属地:英国4楼2014-08-24 15:18
        “Far too many are being eviscerated and devoured before their time,” Rhodes continued.
        According to the NIH, a wolf attack most commonly occurs when an individual is abruptly seized by a powerful, aggressive wolf. The ensuing mutilation, doctors say, results in a forceful disruption of the circulatory system, cardiac arrest, and ultimately death, oftentimes within mere minutes.
        Though the study emphasized that these brutal episodes threaten most demographics, the NIH report suggested men and women aged 65 and older with sedentary lifestyles faced the greatest risk of a debilitating wolf attack. The troubling statistics also confirmed that an increasing number of young children were too overweight to outrun a vicious wolf mercilessly bearing down on them.
        虽然研究表明这些残酷的事正在威胁每一个人的生命安全, 美国国立卫生研究院的报告暗示那些65岁以上的走不动路了的老头老太们哪怕是面对一只最虚弱的狼也是最危险的;而令人不安的统计数据也表明...恩...一些辣(hai)条(zi)们太肥了含油量太高了以至于让恶毒的狼不能把他们忽视掉,也根本逃不脱。

        IP属地:英国5楼2014-08-24 15:18
          “Early action is key,” said Johns Hopkins Hospital Director of Lupinology Julia Goodwin, who urged victims to call for help the moment they suspect they’re being ripped into by a 170-pound wolf. “Many people tend to ignore a small wolf attack, failing to realize that they can be very dangerous.”
          “When you’re being torn to shreds by a wolf, every second counts,” Goodwin added.
          “当你要被撕成条的时候,每一分每一秒都是重要的。” 古德温说
          Glenn Everett, a Milwaukee native and father of three, told reporters that recently witnessing the tragic death of a longtime friend who suffered an unexpected wolf attack “was a real wake-up call.”

          IP属地:英国7楼2014-08-24 15:20
            “On his 45th birthday, my buddy drops dead on his back porch after being ambushed by a pack of wolves—I don’t want that to be me,” said Everett, who noted he has since followed his doctor’s advice to exercise, quit smoking, and limit the amount of red meat he eats outside near wooded areas. “The fact is, I’ve got a family, and I want to watch my kids grow up, not have them look on in horror as a wolf disembowels me.”
            However, not everyone is convinced of the efficacy of such lifestyle changes, with some potential victims claiming that genetics plays a substantial role in the chances of an individual being messily devoured, making such a gory end inevitable.
            “Honestly, I try not to think about it,” said Cincinnati resident Paul Carney, 53. “My dad survived a couple of wolf attacks when he was my age. He made it all the way to 85 years old before peacefully having his throat torn out in his sleep.”
            “说真的...我试过不去想它。” 辛辛那提53岁的居民保罗卡尼说,“在我的这个年龄的时候,我的爸爸从狼的袭击中幸存了下来,不过不论如何在睡得断气之前,他好好的活到了85岁。
            “My doctor tells me that I have to change my bad habits, but if I want to go out every night covered in elk urine, that’s my choice,” Carney added.

            IP属地:英国8楼2014-08-24 15:21
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                  IP属地:英国15楼2014-08-24 15:27
                    @abclry @来自中国的辣条 我可是辣条世家 @没了

                    IP属地:英国16楼2014-08-24 15:29
                      | . @白狼·冰冰 . |
                      \ . @黑羽嗥月 . /

                      IP属地:英国17楼2014-08-24 15:30

                        18楼2014-08-24 15:41

                          IP属地:黑龙江来自Android客户端19楼2014-08-24 15:41
                            不明觉厉= =

                            20楼2014-08-24 15:48

                              IP属地:北京21楼2014-08-24 15:49