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【音乐】寂静的幽怨乐队2013年单曲《Express Frontier Y975》


Express Frontier Y975 - 寂静的幽怨乐队

(Y! 9! 7! 5! Why!? To night! Silent! Close your eyes!)
Stand in line, I will take you to the side.
(Stand in line!)
Silent night, You will ever feel nice.
(Silent night!)
The last flights, We will arrive in paradise.
(The last flight!)
Close our eyes, You just believe in telling lies.
(Close our eyes!)
(ID and ticket must be put in bucket!)I clear!
(And keep your fingers crossing clasp head tightly!)I clear!
(Let’s checking ancestry then mark it on the ears.)I clear!
(Don’t worry credit, money! Here everything is free.)
My farewell means we’ll never leave.
(You!) Don’t be sorrow here is nothing like a real.
(There!) Our termini there’re many universe’s energies.
(Are many energies.)
(I!) I will get rid of darkness and poverty.
(You!) You must give it up that physical forms to live.
(We!) Please trust in us. We’ll never lost in the frontier.
(Never lost in frontier.)
(Y! 9! 7! 5! Wine! Night! Light! Yes,You arrived!)
(Hands up!) Armpit?!
(Leg lift!) Groin?!
(No smell!) Just washing!
(You and he seems very healthy.)
(Let down.) Inject?!
(A little pain.) I’m afraid!
(Soon the end.) Fast and light!
(Everything will make you happy.)
(Let’s cheer.) I sing!
(I praise.) Get free!
(No tears.) Like real!
(Praise and enjoy fantastic trip.)
(Right here...) Arrive in...
(Right now...) Arrive in...
(Arrive in...)Arrive in...
(Frontier!) Frontier!

1楼2014-08-23 10:50回复