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【入吧必读】junior drake吧删帖封禁范围


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IP属地:广东1楼2014-07-09 17:48回复
    Junior Drake bags are created with the spirit of women all over the world in mind. One woman, Patsy Brown, is our muse. Patsy was born into a family if dancers and actors. As a young aspiring actress, she took “Junior Drake” as her stage name. Patsy’s accomplishments in film and theater ultimately paled in comparison to the mark she later left in the world of business and community service. She inspires many women to unlock their feminine qualities that bolstered self-esteem and fostered confidence. Hoping to pass Patsy’s electrifying essence to other women, the Brown family has sought to immortalize her revolutionary fashion sense and her wonderful legacy. Each bag carries her vision- each bag is Junior Drake.
    Remember ""It's not the Bag, it's the Girl!"

    IP属地:广东4楼2014-07-09 17:53
      有关于junior drake 疑问,请进官网:http://www.juniordrake.com/

      IP属地:广东5楼2014-07-09 17:55
        Junior Drake bags are created with the spirit of women all over the world in mind. One woman, Patsy Brown, is our muse. Patsy was born into a family if dancers and actors. As a young aspiring actress, she took “Junior Drake” as her stage name. Patsy’s accomplishments in film and theater ultimately paled in comparison to the mark she later left in the world of business and community service. She inspires many women to unlock their feminine qualities that bolstered self-esteem and fostered confidence. Hoping to pass Patsy’s electrifying essence to other women, the Brown family has sought to immortalize her revolutionary fashion sense and her wonderful legacy. Each bag carries her vision- each bag is Junior Drake.
        Remember ""It's not the Bag, it's the Girl!"

        IP属地:广东6楼2014-07-09 17:56