old days,我追随在你身后,捕捉着你脸上每个细微的表情。你拉着我的手,十指相扣,目光温暖,嘴里却说Our thing is no strings attached...我只能默默的走开。今天,你的身旁有另一个男生,我的心里也有另一个女生。你愤怒的拳头砸在我身上,我不觉得痛,因为我才知道原来Ice queen got her feelings hurt...你为什么不早点告诉我?wait,May......——2014.5.20
I couldn't believe my eyes when the first time I saw them slept together. Then I found that I had fall in love with them. They suits each other . "You don't need to assume the worst of me." And " wait May I'm so sorry I always mistake you. I thought you've never fell in love with me, Now I know I'm wrong. I mistook you again. " But everything just messed up he don't even have an opportunity to say sorry. Even if the writer have made their mind to took them apart, I still love them. They don't need to pretend , they can show their truly self . If May let Ward in was a mistake. That's the best mistake I have ever see. I'm unable to give them up, just like I won't to you.
Thomas Merton once wrote,"Love is our true destiny.We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone----We find it with another." 你知道,这世界是如此的寂寞。没有按下的发送键,没有回头再看你一眼,以及那句没有说完的话,“Wait,May……” 今天看一个Mayward的MV时,看到13集最后,Skye受伤,Ward独自站着,而May走上前去轻轻将两人的十指相扣。那一瞬我的心狠狠地刺痛了。 很早以前就和好友说过,如果我是编剧的话,那么Skye根本就不会出现在MW之间。我不是有什么偏袒或者别的,Skye仍然可以是主角,可以有另一个更完美的特工出现,只是Ward永远是May的,May也永远是Ward的。哪怕现在他们一个是神盾局,一个是九头蛇,可他们仍然是Soulmate,仍然是天造地设完美契合的一对,仍然可以只因一个眼神便知晓彼此心意,也可以一句话就道破对方心底最深的秘密。因为他们是一样的人。 我不知道编剧是何想法,也许这就不是我能掌控的了。但我仍然会一直坚持下去,期待下去,一如我当初决定写同人文一般。因为我相信平行时空,我相信这宇宙之间,总有一个地方是Mayward在一起的。所以我笔下的MW,哪怕中间会有一些波折,最后的最后,收尾时一定是圆满的。(虽然我很羞愧地才开了个头。。。) 这是迄今为止最深入我内心的美剧CP之一。不论Mayward结局如何,此爱不减。 2014.05.20