个人感觉最棒的歌啊嘿嘿故事内容之前没有考虑过诶个人一直觉得应该和MV内容差不多(吐槽一下过于灵异的mv),估计Dirty night clowns 有引申,以下是Yahoo里有关这个问题的答案
I think Chris himself said that he was referencing a child molester who would dress as a clown at night. My understanding is that Chris was sexually abused when he was a child so whether or not he is talking about his abuser is unclear
他谈过这个很多次所以不排除用Dirty night clowns来比喻的可能性把...因为刚刚稍微Google了一下除了关于这首歌以外没有特别的这个故事的内容所以有可能并不是一个比较著名的故事...Yahoo给的答案还是有可能的..
I think Chris himself said that he was referencing a child molester who would dress as a clown at night. My understanding is that Chris was sexually abused when he was a child so whether or not he is talking about his abuser is unclear
他谈过这个很多次所以不排除用Dirty night clowns来比喻的可能性把...因为刚刚稍微Google了一下除了关于这首歌以外没有特别的这个故事的内容所以有可能并不是一个比较著名的故事...Yahoo给的答案还是有可能的..