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『14/04/13』◆讨论◇喜欢德金的原因/Reasons Why I Love D/G


I love D/G because they have the potential to challenge and grow together while still staying true to themselves.
In my mind, it all comes down to the chemistry factor, as Rowan beautifully described above, just perhaps a different aspect than the opposite attracts. I like to think that if they got together they would have to be a little older, say in their early twenties, just that little bit more mature and able to think about being with the other person. For though they do have a lot of the same qualities, they are expressed in such different ways that they don't have a whole lot in common in the general social circle of their environment.
I think they would both have conflicts over their prejudices about money and status. In order for them to work through that in a realistic way they need to be a little more world savvy, and that only comes with experience, which takes time.
So I think the thing that will carry them through these types of difficulties is the fact that they can appreciate each others differences, use them against each other (whether in play or confrontation) but have that thing that holds them together and keeps them from killing each other. That thing is the undeniable attraction to each other that is always smoldering just below the surface. That inner burning part of themselves that knows that even if they fight, they are still together and they will have to learn how to work through it.
Luckily, in the books they are both left open enough that we all get to give him/her the attributes that we most desire for ourselves.

1楼2014-04-13 18:51回复

    IP属地:山东来自Android客户端2楼2014-04-13 21:05
      我的理由就是辣么肤浅……不过看过几篇写得很好的<why draco/ginny>,记得还尝试翻译了一半,经历天劫归来后,我会继续翻译完的……

      3楼2014-04-14 17:42

        IP属地:天津4楼2014-06-10 11:30
          在哈吧看了 战争的秘密 就感觉萌上了,然后在吧里一天如饥似渴【?】看了好多篇就彻底掉坑里了…还有两个人物都特别赞阿!还有感觉徳金文比其它的同人配对更自然很多!

          IP属地:北京来自Android客户端5楼2014-06-10 18:13