火元素:致盲灰烬:当敌人处在燃烧状态下,致盲5秒 - 冷却时间5秒
气元素:避雷针 当你打断(或是定身 不确定 E文不好)敌人时召唤一道闪电攻击,
地元素:石之心 : 当你切换到地元素时,不能被暴击
水元素:水的恩赐:你的治疗能力增加25%(只针对盟友),可与Runes of the Monk符文
奥术: 应急防护: 当你被定身时根据你目前的元素给予恩赐 CD 10s
火:报复 3.5s
气:狂暴 5S 地:保护2.5S 水:活力 3S
Fire: Blinding Ashes: Blind foes for 5 seconds when you burn them – cooldown 5s
Air: Lightning Rod – interrupting an enemy causes them to be stuck by a damaging lightning bolt that leaves them weakened (5s)
Earth: Stone heart – You cannot be critically hit while attuned to earth
Water: Aquatic Benevolence- your healing to other allies (not self) is increased by 25% – stacks well with Runes of the Monk
Arcane – Elemental Contingency- Gain a boon when you are stuck, based on your current attunement, coodown; 10 seconds. Fire: 3.5s of retaliation; air: 5 seconds of fury; Earth: 2.5s of protection; Water: 3 seconds of vigor
火元素:致盲灰烬:当敌人处在燃烧状态下,致盲5秒 - 冷却时间5秒
气元素:避雷针 当你打断(或是定身 不确定 E文不好)敌人时召唤一道闪电攻击,
地元素:石之心 : 当你切换到地元素时,不能被暴击
水元素:水的恩赐:你的治疗能力增加25%(只针对盟友),可与Runes of the Monk符文
奥术: 应急防护: 当你被定身时根据你目前的元素给予恩赐 CD 10s
火:报复 3.5s
气:狂暴 5S 地:保护2.5S 水:活力 3S
Fire: Blinding Ashes: Blind foes for 5 seconds when you burn them – cooldown 5s
Air: Lightning Rod – interrupting an enemy causes them to be stuck by a damaging lightning bolt that leaves them weakened (5s)
Earth: Stone heart – You cannot be critically hit while attuned to earth
Water: Aquatic Benevolence- your healing to other allies (not self) is increased by 25% – stacks well with Runes of the Monk
Arcane – Elemental Contingency- Gain a boon when you are stuck, based on your current attunement, coodown; 10 seconds. Fire: 3.5s of retaliation; air: 5 seconds of fury; Earth: 2.5s of protection; Water: 3 seconds of vigor