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IP属地:河南1楼2014-04-05 18:19回复
    1.这就是我们一贯的作风。——TV 128
    有道:This is our consistent style.
    度受:This is our consistent style of work.

    IP属地:河南2楼2014-04-05 18:20
      2.我看天真的是你吧,我们早就知道你会把钱放进保管保险箱……而且,我也说过,这是你最后的机会!——TV 128
      有道:I can be naive you, we have long known that you would put the money in keeping the safe... And, I also said, this is your last chance!
      度受:I see the innocent is you, we knew you would put the money in the safe...... But, I said, this is your last chance!

      IP属地:河南3楼2014-04-05 18:21
        3.这场游戏结束了……好了,你也该从梦中惊醒,庆祝我们再度重逢了……就用你最喜爱的玫瑰的、那种暗红的颜色庆祝吧,雪莉!——TV 176
        The game is over... Well, you should also woke up from a dream, to celebrate our reunion again... Use your favorite roses, that kind of dark red color, Shirley!

        度受:The game is over...... Well, you should also awakened from a dream, to celebrate our again...... That kind of dark red with your favorite rose, color and celebrate, Shirley!

        IP属地:河南4楼2014-04-05 18:24
          4.德国的雨蛙,也变得有名了啊!——TV 176
          有道:Germany's tree frog, also become famous!
          度受:The German Hyla, became famous!

          IP属地:河南5楼2014-04-05 18:28
            5.没想到,你竟然会先采取行动接近我,我太感动了,雪莉!——TV 176
            有道:Unexpectedly, you should first take action to close to me, I was so touched, Shirley!
            度受:Didn't expect, you would have to make the first move close to me, I was so touched, Shirley!

            IP属地:河南6楼2014-04-05 18:31
              6.背叛组织的人是不会销声匿迹。——TV 176
              有道:Betrayal organization won't disappear.
              度受:To betray the organization who will not disappear from the scene.

              IP属地:河南7楼2014-04-05 18:36

                IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端8楼2014-04-05 18:37
                  8.你是靠组织的力量才有今天的,这场美梦也该醒醒了……其它的等到了黄泉再做吧……——TV 178
                  有道:You is to rely on the power of the organization is today, the dream also should wake up... Other wait to yellow do it again...
                  度受:You are on the power of organization only today, this dream will wake up...... Other wait to do it......

                  IP属地:河南10楼2014-04-05 18:42
                    9.我这个人向来是不喜欢白费力气的。——TV 178
                    有道:I usually don't like wasting your time.
                    度受:I this person is always didn't love in vain.

                    IP属地:河南11楼2014-04-05 18:46
                      10.她那个女人会喜欢哪种男人……我倒是想看看是什么样的人!——TV 178
                      有道:She is the woman will like what kind of man... I'd like to see what kind of person!
                      度受:She is the woman will like what kind of man...... I'd like to have a look what kind of person!

                      IP属地:河南12楼2014-04-05 18:48

                        IP属地:河南13楼2014-04-05 18:50

                          IP属地:广东14楼2014-04-13 13:33